Holiday Towel Art

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nove nove sei, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Thought there should be a thread on the old art of towel folding the one when you return to your hotel room on holiday and hey presto there's an animal or something on the bed made of towels! Here's one to kick it off. We returned to our room in St Lucia yesterday not sure what it was meant to be but we laughed!.... Our cock off.

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  2. looks like a turd. the towel that is.
  3. Mmmmm,youre smaller than I imagined.
  4. Are you sure your in StLucia ?

    Maybe it's a witches hat , which would make it more likely Tenby
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  5. Definitely not Tenby with all the rum I've been drinking, there's a raster that walks along the beach but his hat looks nowt like that!
  6. I wish I looked as young too!
  7. On a cruise last year round Caribbean we would come back to a different towel animal every day. Then we realised the ship sold a book on how to do it. Needless to say I spent the following month with my mrs making different ones.
  8. Or, maybe he's just got a really big cock?....
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  9. not if genetics has anything to do with it.
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