Midlife Crisis 125

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. okay guys as title says
    midlife crisis....... what 125cc bike would you buy
    would it be something classic or new
    and would it be for fun or as an investment
    also would it be something you had when you were younger
    or something you wish you had got your hands on
    only rule ........

    its got to be a 125cc

    its a bit sad but quite fancy a Honda mbx 125
    had one when I was younger briefly before it was stolen (unfinished business maybe )

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  2. upload_2014-8-20_6-45-23.jpeg
    bought one of these from a guy in paisley when i was 18 just after my rd was nicked. didnt have it very long. a mate put him self in hospital for over a month with a ruptured spleen and other internal injuries after taking a shot got a fright when hitting the power band, pulled the front brake and throttle at the same time and went bouncing down the road. now in his defense it was probably only his 2nd or 3rd shot on a bike and that thing was v.quick, i don't know what had been done to it but the fella that sold it said it had been played with at M.C.S in paisley. up untill that time i would of had easy 30odd bikes mostly crossers and i can confirm it was no slower than the C.Rs and R.M 125's i was playing with at the time so by my reckoning it must of been putting out high twenty's easily. didn't really get in to bikes again properly after that for another 12-13 years. so yip unfinished business, up until that point i had a bit of a "reputation" more dumb ass than bad ass but probably the last time i felt fully confident on a road bike. up shot the dude is now in I.T and with my it skills (or lack of) he is never allowed to forget it when it comes to maintaining this mystery machine.:smile:
  3. Another one of these full power beasties, wish I had kept hold of it. Had it for two years after buying from a mate. Around 30 bhp and brilliant to ride, sadly sold to go touring so needed a bigger engine.

    Full Power Mito Side View 31BHP.jpg
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. There was a Mito standing on the road near me for over a year, never moved and on a really bad corner. I noticed it had been moved into a garden a couple of months back, and I said to the wife if its there next year I would knock on the door and see if they want to sell it, but it had gone last week, gutted
  5. I'm too old to have had or lusted after a 125 ... I was already into bigger bikes by the time that law came in. If I had to choose something I guess it would be a classic old DT125 - I'd look ridiculous on anything else.
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  6. I wouldn't mind a BSA Bantam 125 D1.
  7. just been filtered past by 6or 7 older fellas on what can only be described as push bikes with 2stroke engines fitted as an after thought on foreign plates. respect:upyeah:wish i had my phone on me.
  8. You beat me to it. Either that or
  9. is that a aprillia Havana? had one of those in the workshop, v.cool.
  10. Yeah It's the Habana. I've always liked the look of them.
  11. the fella that owned it was a bit of a crafty cockney. big dude.
    now owned by my surgeon mate big union flag on it. doing a full resto on it.
    #12 finm, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  12. I used to get a hard on over TZR's

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  13. Mid life crisis ? 125 ? Surely, that's just a crisis :upyeah:. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. i call it a wake up call.
  15. The only 125 I ever got to ride was my wife's first bike which was an RD125 twin, this was way before any legal restrictions came in. It's was really quick up to about 50 mph and struggled after that. Great for round town but not much else, she sold it and bought a Honda CB 250 RSA, it was a better bike but nowhere as much fun.

    Wouldn't mind a 125 now just for popping about locally as by the time I have pulled one of my other bikes out I could have walked there or commuted more quickly!!!
  16. still have to put clobber on,then park it,chain it etc so dont see the advantage of a 125,spesh as they get nicked more by our wonderful yooof.
    get a pushbike ,spesh good at that age of midlifes as i spect therell be a slight weight crisis coming soon as well..
    something else that doesnt look so good leaning on the tank of a 125

  17. imagesJ0M4A845.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. KTM Duke 125!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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