Winter Hack

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by zx6ghost, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. brrr

    Got up this morning and temp has really dropped off

    what with winter looming its head early this year it feels like

    what will we all be riding over the winter?

    My Panigale will only be out on dryish days, the rest of the time i will be using my Suzuki DRZ400SM or Kawasaki ZX6R 636 C1H Model

    commuting in Sh+te weather on the Ducati is a No No so will be on the fun bike DRZ400SM most of the time ( Just need to get it running )

    so whats all your plans,
  2. park up. there will grit out from end of November till end of march.up here.
  3. Down here too.
  4. will still be playing on the quads tho.:upyeah:
  5. Trying to decide what to do myself. I've got an R1 track/road bike but it's dressed in track fairings and a lot of unprotected electrics which are not going to like the bad weather.
  6. I am going to take the cut slicks of the SM and put my set or MAXXIS back on for the bad weather

    basic bike to run and maintain cheap on fuel and quick enough to get me to work etc

    just need to persuade the misses to let me put the Panigale in the spare room
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. An old Vespa takes the commuter mileage rain, shine, or snow; and the BMW K13S for ride outs. Shaft drive, heated grips, traction control make their case.
  8. bought the ST2 last winter (or was it the winter before??) as a hack, but only used it about 3 times. too old and too busy these days to be able to get kitted up/down for winter riding.

    did it for many years on various commuter bikes, and thought it would be a good idea, but turned into an auld softie. chapeau to you who do crack on through rain/hail/sleet/snow, etc.

  9. My first bike in february was a Honda CBR600f and although I got bored of it pretty quickly when it dried up and bought the R1, I must admit that it was great for the two thousand odd miles I did in horrific rain through february.
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  10. CBR6F is a great bike for bad hair days
  11. May even take this detour again on the way home from work

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  12. Multi for me and 796 monster for the wife. Tbh we prefer riding in the winter. It's allot quieter on the roads.
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  13. Cagiva Elefant, or my BMW C1, with a windscreen wiper, and heated grips/seat!
  14. Cold weather=astravan+heater.
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  15. Chilly this morning left for work at half 6 - Thought i would dig out the gortex winter gloves to see how they feel on the panigale and i could only find one

    need to sort out my spare room its a mountain of bike clothes, boots, helmets, bits of track fairing, radio controlled cars, paddock stands, and memrobilia,

    need a insulated garage!!
  16. A warm air-conditioned environment protected from the elements. Traffic is a bloody nightmare and I am looking for a commuter bike. Not decided on anything yet. Thinking of an 899, but not sure yet :rolleyes:

    Country road, motorway, town, the commute is varied, 60 mile round trip, but filtering does appeal to me and there are lots of places that this could be done to help cut the journey time down.
  17. Er, not sure you've quite got the concept of a 'commuter bike' ;)

    Ducati's marketing team would be horrified!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Ive got a spare carb and a crank for a DRZ400. I shopped my DRZ for an SMR510. ;)
  19. Monster all the way. It is great little winter hack. Heated vest and will soon fit heated grips, wind guards are still on from last winter. Not more needed.
  20. Less than 7C = car :)
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