Dangerous Driving Conviction

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. I nearly said the same but then presumed the reason for the harshness was the fact he filmed it and uploaded it so I didn't. I think most will remember a few errors in their time, I do!
  2. I'm out of date then. I blame the more adventurous monthly magazines for this. The way they tell it, you want to do 140 on an 'A' road - go to Wales. Naturally, any jape with the law and they get away with it. So the more impressionable among us might well get suckered into thinking that sort of riding has the law looking the other way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Yeah - ironically I just bought a GoPro - just come back from the U.S. from 2 weeks holiday and they were so cheap there I bought one but still 50/50 on whether to use it....everything was so cheap I came back feeling like I robbed the place!
  4. Go-Pro for trac use OK but for the road I'm not so sure. Either the footage will be terminally boring or you'll quickly find yourself out with your mates doing double figures. And a week later have the cops raid your house and seize all your PC equipment (and I do mean all of it) for court proceedings.
  5. Theyd have to turn up with a lorry to my house then!

    As I say - I was in 2 minds when I got it, but, having said that I bought the LCD bacpac as well (that was almost half price) which turns it into a regular camera. Weve got an old Canon waterproof jobbie for when we're getting knocked over by waves at Typhoon Lagoon. The gopro is way superior so I did justify it as a replacement...as I say - not sure if im going to fit it to the bike or crash helmet, right now im a 70/30 no...

    Edit - having said that one of the things I did think it would be good for is when going to the TT - boarding the ferry etc etc, would be nice to have a different kind of footage rather than just photos or "on the side of the road" type video.
  6. I'd say give the lad a break. He's only 22. When I was 22 I was crackers. He must have shat himself when he ran wide and saw the car. If it were me I wouldn't be trying that shit again for a long, long time. Definitely dodged a bullet there!
    Ever cocked up a left hander and ran wide?? I have once or twice but was lucky. I stick to trackdays now...
  7. He looks like he is wearing the family's court/funeral clothes. looks out of place not wearing jogging bottoms and Reeboks.
  8. Lucky fucker - yes!
    Twat - yes! Probably now thinking why did I upload it? Show off in private, not for the whole world to see.

    I'm not a fan of uploading stuff to the 'net. Yes I've ridden like a twat at times, but that's for me to remember in my own mind, not go and relive it on you tube.

    What would the story have been if he'd been 1ft to the left?
  9. If he hadn't had uploaded the footage to YouTube then no one, except him and his mates, would have known about it and he wouldn't have been prosecuted. Fact.
  10. I'm sure we've all been close, and I'm surei don't get all this go pro stuff, doesn't anyone have a memory anymore,.

    Slightly off topic but it's the same at concerts, all these people living/recording their life through an iPhone screen.

    Just remember it, then exaggerate slightly when down the pub!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. You've got a very good point.

    Coming at it from another point of view :Snaphappy:

    I quite like recording stuff especially if its a good day its narcissistic yes, I suppose, but I do it generally for me. When doing something that's special to me I find it fantastic to be able to look back at footage. I even see things that at the time I missed and genuinely get something out of looking at it again. It can enhance a memory or bring back a feeling or an emotion of a particular day/event/place.

    I also get a lot of fun out of reviewing the footage doing post edit correction and generally editing and making a wee package out of it all.

    YouTube has private and unlisted settings, you can upload something and have it viewed by a limited audience if you want.

    However its a qualified fact backed up by scientific studies that everybody who has a GoPro is an adrenaline fueled risk taking knob.

    I think these bloody motor-bycylists are fukin speed addicted halfwits.

    What is it that everybody has to get labelled and categorized? Now I'm an adrenaline fueled, risk taking, fukin speed addicted knob who is also a halfwit, you wouldn't know it if you saw me in the street. :Bag:
    • Like Like x 2
  12. I meant to add if the lad was just 22, then at that age your generally full of it, well I was makes me shudder. The arrogance of yoof.

    I've run wide a few times, also had few close shaves. He probably posted it up as a larf for his mates and possibly to make a few shekels and never gave the consequences a second thought
  13. Yeah this is basically it.
  14. His only crime was posting it on youtube. That was idiotic. 22? I was, okay to a lesser extant than I am today, a tit at 22. Thats what being 22 is about. He's lucky to make 23. But aren't we all? Ive done some outrageous and idiotic things on 2 wheels. You learn. I saw two 19 yr old lads today. They were punks. Fucking yeah, get in. You miserable old farts. :p
  15. TBH "posting on YouTube wasn't his only crime.
    So where is the line between having a laugh and being dangerous to other people?
  16. The line between having a laugh and what is dangerous is easy: if no one died, it was all a big laugh.


    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. So true.

    I have a go pro (well had it flew off yesterday on French motorway :( ) and uploaded plenty of footage on youtube as private viewing mode. If Police knocks on my door I will have a list of people I gave access to and when I am out of jail I will go on a revenge mission. ;P
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Thank god I wasn't born middle aged.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Top Tip: Don't show your speedo or incriminate yourself in any other way.

    Common sense
  20. And here's another one: Don't answer the phone while you're ironing....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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