Salmond - Local Businesses Offer Free Advertising

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. a7e83d54-207d-11e4-b28f-12313d275d6d-medium.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 7
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  2. do you guys have free/discounted business premisses rates? introduced by the snp i think. this work shop is probably the biggest in oban yet i pay jack
  3. @finm at work in his 'large workshop'.....

    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. don't be fool'd by that add there bollox.
    the squeak to be found in my place will be the wallet come pay day.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I did turn down the offer of supplying a potential new customer in Glasgow recently until after the referendum, because he would only deal with me if I gave him a credit account. My view was that if he defaulted how would I go about recovering debt from a foreign country.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Who's Jack ? Scot's Mafia perhaps ? ;)
  7. jack mcscrounger my kind of guy.:p:smile:

  8. Indeed, would you contract in pounds sterling, or spoonfuls of cranachan.....
  9. the latter is worth more
  10. got my poling card to day, still undecided.
  11. I don't really know much about this but what did make my piss boil was the fact they wanted to have nothing to do with England to the point of kicking submarines out of the Clyde but still wanted to use the pound!

    How about fuck off!
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  12. Well they are just bit more than your common or garden submarines.

    The Scots can get a little irksome over this, if Russia and the US ever did decided to throw their toys out the pram, it would have been (and still is) the whole of the Central belt section of the West of Scotland that would be wiped from the map.

    Now I realize on here that's probably regarded as one of the few positives of a nuclear exchange.

    Less but significant numbers of people would also get wiped out or irradiated if something went wrong with these subs reactors. They do not have a lot of time if there is a power failure when on the ship lift either.

    Faslane is NOT a remote location, its right next to Helensburgh, which is just down the road from Glasgow, Scotland's most populous city.

    That's me forever the optimist and looking on the bright side of a bad situation "We lost a bloody expensive sub but heh ho, we got rid of a lot of a lot of beggars and winos."

    Am just sayin like
  13. What's to decide? Leave the UK you fall flat on your arse as Salmond hasn't thought through the implications.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Aligning a vote for YES with supporting CND is really going to gather in the votes for Alec Salmond. Not.
  15. And you know that how? Has their been a pole of the Scottish Electorate recently asking that question that passed me by?

    SNP's policy to the best of my knowledge always has been "no nuclear weapons" and its a topic that doesn't seem to have raised much controversy up here.

    If you choose to believe that "no nuclear" aligns SNP with all of CND's aims that's your choice. I'm not informed enough to comment.

    A good number of people I speak to (which counts for nout really) believe maintaining a "nuclear deterrent" is a strong price to pay in order that our "leaders" can sit at the top tables when discussing defense issues with other countries.

    Maybe I've totally failed to grasp the concept, but you believe that Salmond would be better off by laying out a policy that stated, we as an independent country (if it happened), harbor nuclear weapons, we have no control over within our borders and posing a threat to our population? Call me fik but I can't see that being much of a vote catcher either
  16. Fifty years ago the idea of unilateral nuclear disarmament was hotly debated. But CND never appealed to any more than a minority of voters, even at its peak, so the subject reached its conclusion. Since then the topic "doesn't seem to raise much controversy", as you rightly say. That's because the debate, such as it was, ended long ago. My point was that on the whole trying to resurrect long-dead notions which were not very popular even in their heyday is a dubious political strategy. Even by the SNP's standards.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. to suggest the notion of nuclear disarmament was a minority view held only by C.N.D sounds a bit strange. i recon if the cnd had credible economic and social policy with the talent to back it up they would be a much larger force to deal with.
    now to me a political party should reflect and support the wishes of all, but with its own twist on how its delivered.
  18. Multilateral and unilateral nuclear disarmament are totally different things. Multilateral nuclear disarmament was and remains a widely-shared aspiration, partly implemented but difficult to achieve in practice. Unilateral nuclear disarmament was never any more than a fringe idea, and today is as dead as a dodo. When you say "nuclear disarmament" you give no clue which you are referring to.
  19. Ok Pete got that.

    I fail to see how Salmond could adopt any other policy than the one SNP have and TBH I don't see how that stance necessarily equates SNP with CND, although I'm not so dense as not to see the connection. Its only one aspect of SNP's policy in a particular area. Its the first time I've heard anybody media or on the street make that connection.

    Scotland could never afford a nuclear deterrent even if we wanted to and harboring what would then effectively be England's nuclear deterrent would (I imagine) not attract many "Yes" votes.

    The realities when all the horse trading began between the 2 nations to broker deals over all the issues, might turn out entirely different, but as a stance right now I can't see how he could adopt anything else.
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