Picking my bike up soon and I want to fit some protection (against dropping) and wanted your opinions on what works best, Bungs or Bars? I have used bungs in the past (but not tested them!) and wondered whether the ducati bars are more effective?
Just leave it on the parts as supplied. I cannot say how much I appreciate your personal contributions...... Ride safe!
Just fit what you think looks best. Any will fair a static or low speed drop without issue. Unless you're on a track the ability to slide is not really a consideration, the bike will in all likelihood hit road furniture within five meters of any direction. Or for the more economically minded. My excess is £50 with PNC and a maximum of three claims PA before I lose that. I could buy a set of DP bars for ~£200+. Or I could trash my bike three times for £150. Admittedly there are other factors, but cant argue with numbers
Had the same dilemma. Less to do with saving money in the advent of crash or drop and more to do with the inconvenience of not getting home it it falls off side stand and knackers water pump or something. I have gone for R&D racing aero sliders as they are the least unattractive IMHO
Thanks for the sensible replies halflife and psy69, I was beginning to wonder about this site! Cheers
I put crash bars on mine and am thankful cos the way I dropped it( standing still as usual lol) bungs wouldn't have saved anything, was over a high curb, the bars gave better spread, minimum damage, just saying.
I haven't bothered with anything. When I dropped my bike at slow speed (mud patch in Tarmac car park) it cracked the indicator in the hand guard and broke a lever. The only other parts marked were the rear pannier lower mount scratched. So the parts were significantly less to replace than a bunch of crash bungs. A friend had a set of crash bungs on his vfr800 vetch. They saved a lot if damage to the panels when he was forced off the road. Problem was, the bungs caused damage to the frame as they broke a weld around a mount. Just be aware of what they are fixed to, and what could happen.
The multi crash bungs mount in a long bolt that goes all the way through the frame. Should be better than screwed directly into the frame. In the end though they are only there to help in a minor drop. Highside a bike and even solid crash bars will be about as much use as an ashtray on the front of your multi.
RG main frame bungs are best, mine are for sale 30% off MRRP or whatever on Ebay. Removed from my bike, unused. Postage at cost.
Bars suit the bike better in my opinion and probably less likely to cause even more damage than bungs.
you're not your! Is it that difficult? And helpful as ever Elsie. Ever thought about becoming an agony aunt. I reckon you've got a great future. You could use Egregious Elsie as your nom de plume.