Not English Enough!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sev, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. So after being born here, educated here and raised here my employer ( of 15 years) notifies me that following an audit it has been discovered that the business has no evidence of my elegibility to work in the uk, and if I could supply copies of birth certificate / passport / identity card to prove my eligibility to work in the uk.

    I supplied all that stuff 4 years ago but they are adamant there is no record.

    So I asked the question that if this is the case have they also lost my personnel file- funnily enough no answer as of yet- I'm seething!

    Frikkin HR :mad:
  2. Chill out, it's gotta be a result if you are illegal, just claim asylum and sit back and let the state keep you.
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  3. Tell them you're Scottish and you'll get a vote next month :)
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  4. Been there. Twice. All of the boxes had to be ticked involving a certified copy of my passport despite grown ups willing to vouch for me. No exceptions permitted.

    In their defence however it is a legal requirement to ensure all staff are eligible to work in the UK. How they do that is another matter though.

    And I don't suppose the illegals will bother, so again it is those who abide by the rules that are inconvenienced and those who don't are unlikely to be affected.

    So much for getting rid of red tape.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Stir it a bit with them. They are obviously complying with the I,A&N Act 2006. This only applies to persons employed after 29/2/2008. For people employed between 27/1/97 and 28/2/2008 employers had to comply with A&I Act 1996. So before employing you they MUST have done certain things. One of which is recording the date on which all the checks were done re your eligibility. Any copies made MUST be kept with your personnel file.

    Check a job applicant's right to work documents - GOV.UK

    Ask them if it's the 2006 Act they are complying with. If they say yes then tell them it doesn't apply to you. See if they then switch to the 1996 Act. Then chuck in why they haven't got a record of when the checks were made in compliance with the 1996 Act. Make them sweat for a while.
    #5 chrisw, Aug 21, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
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  6. What about 1983?

  7. does being a whisky get you a vote for something?
  8. Whoosh :)
  9. worked once with a Scottish military policeman and it really wound him up when you called him Scottish...:)
  10. did get it all along ;)
  11. yep.
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  12. thanks to all :)

    I posed the questions, and stated that I had no problem with handing over the information, I just wanted to know why the previous info had been lost / mislaid (the truth of the matter is that we've had a massive data migration to a new system and its easier to rescan documents than go to the cellar to wade through archives and find what you need so to speak).

    Since our HR doesn't have anyone that was there three years ago the official line was "couldn't possibly comment on my predecessors!"

    if the had just said we can't be arsed /we lost it I really wouldn't have a problem, but to have a letter through your door saying that following an audit "our records show you are not eligible to work in the UK" was band out of order in my book.
  13. Have you checked that everyone in the company is required to do the same thing otherwise it could look like discrimination?
  14. Glid, it's only a selection of people who have been honoured with this, there were a good few people with far more english names than mine caught up in this but it wasn't everyone. As I say, its plainly obvious its a data migration problem and the precious waste of resources dept don't want to go trawling through archive boxes, so they asked for the info again - not a problem as it happens, but its the medium and the wording that was used.
  15. Jesus,I hate these whingey bloody foreigners,dont you?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I was hoping for a free flight back to Italy for me and me dear old mam.
  17. Dont tell me your caravan has broke down again
  18. eyeties don't do caravans Keef - you're getting confused with pikees. Nope my gondola has developed a leak and the ice cream machine's broken down.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. you could always pretend........sorry, tell them that there is someone in the gondola thats pregnant ......they won't dare move you on then........or so i heard!
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