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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. we both know where my affiliation lies but to put my particular spin on it, multilateral obviously. but unilateral will do for starters.
  2. Unilateral nuclear disarmament is very unlikely to lead to multilateral nuclear disarmament. Trust me on this.
  3. putting a fiver on the lottery probably wont make you a millionaire, putting nothing on the lottery definitely wont. bit simples but that's me all over. why would anybody want to bomb Scotland. maybe i shouldn't of asked that
  4. Sir Ian Wood says the oil is fucked.

    Wee Eck says it will pay for an improved NHS, more public sector jobs and leave enough left over to start a Sovereign Wealth Fund to pay for everything for ever more.

    Who to believe ?
  5. hard to say? we are that distrusting of our politicians and their advisers you assume every ones got an agenda.
    wood up until a month or two was quite optimistic about production. with the correct investment i think what was meant.
  6. Sir Ian Wood went on record because he was being misquoted.

    Wee Eck wants to have his cake and eat it.
  7. i think he was quoted as being quite optimistic a few months back.
    don't all politicians have a sweet tooth?. until you grasp the correct reasons why many want change this is just gonna go round and round. win or loos the independence debate isn't gonna go away. 52-48 at the mo.
    it's the don't knows your gonna have to convince. suggesting the snp and a few lobour including green S.M.P's are any less honorable than M.P's just isn't gonna cut it. Britain needs a plan B
  8. I love coffee me, it should be the first thing you smell when you wake up.;)
  9. With cake?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Judging by some of the replies on the independance thread @finm I'd say our nearest bloody neighbor for one and the boats wouldn't even have to leave the harbor.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I don't think Wee Eck is dishonourable, he is just wrong. The bonanza that was North Sea
    Oil has been largely spent.
  12. I bet your other half wishes that too. :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I'm for unilateral disarmament as it makes no difference either way, the world will still die in the event of a nuclear war. The only difference it would make is that we had no hand in its destruction. Cutting your nose off to spite your face is not a clever strategy. However humanity gets what it deserves. Even if they were based in Plymouth, does Scotland really think that fallout and destruction respects borders? There are RAF bases that would be hit anyway and other non nuclear yet strategic targets. Besides if war was imminent the subs would all be at sea. All of them. It makes little difference whether the subs are at Faslane, Rosyth, Plymouth etc or if Scotland was a 'Neutral'. It would still be regally fucked like everyone else on the planet. To imagine otherwise is ludicrous.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. should that not be wasted?
    there is a lot more to Scotland than oil. sure it would be nice to have that buffer. how some make it in life while's putting so many barriers in their way is beyond me.
  15. If I was not an Englishman I would probably want independance from them. As an Englishman, I couldn't care less. I don't know why, its just the englishman in me coming out LOL!
  16. you should care less. the labour vote up here has help't swing it down there.
  17. The SNP are just the Scottish Conservatives anyway Fin. Tough titties mate. Youre voting tory. :p
  18. nothing wrong with Westminster Conservative policy when it comes business, it's there social policy (and skills)that suck.
  19. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. there is believe it or not a serious side to i.
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