Car Service

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. car service.jpg
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  2. :Facepalm::Facepalm::Facepalm:
  3. Surprised they didn't change the headlamp fluid....
  4. Arnold Clark would of given it a go.
  5. could be worse they could have a really cracking photo of you....
  6. if i had as many bookings as you hand out i would of retired by now. :p:smile:

  7. you not retired as well then............and is that the new currency.....bookings? Obviously it won't be english pounds......

  8. pound sterling?
  9. Bank of England...
  10. something you have no more power to influence than i do
  11. at the yes see how it changes....:Bag:
  12. i believe this is your answer......not some drop out place north of the border...

    Etymology[change | change source]
    A pound coin originally weighed one troy pound of sterling silver. This is why it is called "pound sterling". "Sterling silver" means mixed metal that has 92.5% or more real silver. One pound sterling was originally divided by 240 sterling pence. This was because there are 240 pennyweights in a troy pound. So a single one–pound coin weighed one troy pound and a single 1–penny coin weighed one pennyweight.

    The Latin word for "pound" is libra. The £ or ₤ is a stylised writing of the letter L, a short way of writing libra. This is similar to how a pound of mass is abbreviated "lb". Up until around the 1970s, especially on typewriters or keyboardswithout a "£" symbol, it was common to write "L" instead of "£".

    The symbol for pennies is p (pronounced "pee" like the letter). The British write 50p or £0.50 and say it "fifty pee".
  13. dude we can do this all day, it will change that is certain. i hope it changes for the better. i wish no ill feeling to the rest of the uk.
  14. have you got all day........i hear there ain't much work.....:upyeah::upyeah:
  15. plenty work. little motivation, i loves a good argument me.:smile:
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