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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. By the way, why is he called Wee Eck? He looks like Billy Bunter to me.
  2. to true settle for less. this isn't about labour or conservative, this is about changing a system that isn't working for the majority.
    gimlet are you new here? have you read my rantings on independence? people are not getting involved with politics which is leading to a v.bad situation.
    scotland is buzzing right now with debate and listening. it's magic. keep the far left, right and extremists out.
  3. Its self de-centralisation. Done on the cheap with the Scots paying for it themselves. Genius. As long as the Lorne sausage supplies don't dry up its been a cunning success.
  4. if scotish politicians are anything like ours in norn Ireland then god help yous.
  5. you could put some spin on that because from the outside looking in. things are looking better.
  6. are we still banging on about cooking scotland....

    how much has this whole charade cost so far?
  7. hee hee.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Are we there yet?
  9. mum dad I'm travelling to Scotland to join the fight for independence..............i know I've lived in England for the past 25 years enjoying all the fruits that it brings.....but...
  10. your all
    your all a bunch of hanky swingers and am now embarrassed to call my self British
  11. thought you wanted to be Scottish........i know i am english
  12. happy to be called what ever, just not governed by what ever.
  13. Politics, and economics, isn't working very well for the majority of people in the UK. The political classes, and their underlings, are the new aristocracy running the country for the benefit of themselves and their pals.

    It is absolutely right that people should be more politically aware rather than apathetically following the latest celebrity bollox.

    I don't think splitting off the north of the UK will solve the problem. It will just give even greater power to Wee Eck and Nicola.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Eck.jpg
    Wee Eck (Eck is the diminutive of Alexander) is a member of Oor Wullie's gang. If you don't know who Oor Wullie is then I am afraid I can't help you further ;)
    #94 johnv, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. we eck will only be in power for as long as the majority vote for them.
    your gonna need to save you views for the dim witted.
  16. I have heard of Oor Wullie though not an avid follower.
    So basically then, Scotland is going to be governed by a cartoon character and Rab Nesbit's missus? :(
    Aren't Cameron and Millipede bad enough?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. There is a school of thought that a Yes vote would reinvigorate politics south of the border. Old Labour would be fucked and the centre right would show their true colours.
  18. reinvigorating can only be a good thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. whats the craik with the oil field claim of the west coast that's been buried by the mod and Westminster?
  20. You see this is what scares me, spelled out by @johnv and @idrinkbeer

    If you lot think Wee Eck and his nebby sidekick aren't too easy on the eye.

    Have yoos lot taken a peek at his arch nemesis (@Gimlet nailed it with Mrs Rab C)........................Johann Lamont, leader of the opposition. This is why Wee Eck is such a force, the rest are fukin amamteurs.

    Yoos dawn souff will be laffin yer tits aff if labour get in up here in an independent Scotland.

    My only hope is a red cross appeal to set up a refugee camp south of the border from the Scots fleeing the carnage and throw myself on all yer mercies.
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