I have to agree with JR45 on this as, my Facebook thread is full of videos with people doing this and no mention what so ever about ALS, links to how/where to donate or that they themselves have donated. Ok most aren't celebs but that's not the point It would seem it's morphed in to just being a 'pass it on' dare. Admittedly I knew nothing about ALS beforehand, however it took me google searching to find out as none of the people doing it anymore are even mentioning ALS, let alone actually giving them money. There is good in it definitely, bit maybe these so called celebrities should hold up a web URL or say where to donate a little more often
You are a cynical old so and so JR. As for evidence.........My daughter works for a big pharmaceutical company and they are all doing the challenge. My son's University are also getting involved. The money raised will become evident in the next few weeks. Perhaps you should do the challenge when you are proved wrong ? :Eggonface:....
My dad died of MND - it took two years from being fit and healthy to only just being able to swallow - you feel pretty hopeless knowing there's nothing you can do. At least it's bringing awareness if nothing else
Firstly, what I actually said was "Provide evidence that it has done anything to raise the ammount of money donated to charity overall" - I am not the only one that believes that it hasn't - it just diverted funds that would have gone somewhere else, as is usually the case with these things. Secondly, clueless, I would not presume to question how much you do for charity - I don't know you - but I do know how much I do for national and local charities, and it's a damn sight more than tipping a bucket over my head, donating a tenner and posting a stupid video, then spouting off about how great it is !
the thing about charities is they are an individual thing....generally motivated by those who have been touched ion their lives by a particular cause. Now i cant for the love of me work out why the air ambulance or the life boats are charities.......they should be essential public sector tools. there is a guy at work who until 6 months ago was the weirdest blandest tightest bloke you could meet...he gets diagnosed with a cancer.........and goes through the wringer ....six months later he is now not seen without his yellow daffodil.....
Last post for me on this thread If the "ice bucket challenge" had been dedicated to "Help for Heroes", would it have received so much criticism ?
Just had my neighbor knock om my door and ask if i could film his 16 yr old daughter doin this ice bucket crap... She was standing behind him so i found it difficult to tell him to fvk off. Just what you need at 9.00 sunday night.. Weirdos. Anyway i filmed it (was actually quite amusing) But apart from nominating a few friends, No mention of the charity or a pledge of a donation..
I can't wait for the next charity to come round knocking my door for money. I shall pour a bucket of ice cold water over them ... "Sorry, I thought that was what I was supposed to to."
Yes me too, but I think I might do something entirely different and actually donate some money instead.....you know....just to be different.....oh and it'll save water