How come the Panigale gets its own section?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. And the 848 evo corse doesn't?

    Im gutted :mad:

  2. Is that pronouced PANNY-GARLY; PAN-NIGALLY; PANNY-GAYLE; PARNIG-ARL or......?

    Took me long enough to get DESMODUE right....

  3. It's a shit bike that will receive lots of complaints hence the need for a section of it's own to avoid blocking up the rest of the forum?

    Only joking!! LOL
  4. Bit like the fuglystrada section then? Or is that mutley lol
  5. First one. But you have to say it with an Italian accent more outrageous than Rossi's. The final E is more like the E in café than the Y in girly.
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