Wee Eck is a consumate politician but his basic problem is that he hasn't got a sound plan or argument, he appeals to the converted through their hearts.
The Scottish generation that would be willing and likely to join a military are already in the military. Does Salmond think that all the Scottish soldiers in England will hand their notice in and leave the British Army (which takes a year) to join the Scottish Defence Force which has no equipment, no infrastructure, no weapons, vehicles and no money to pay for it all. They can't afford to build it all, they can't staff it and they can't afford to pay the wages with the taxation they have. What a joke. I hope Scottish people can see through it all.
The SNP have said that If Scotland gets independence it will want the following. To keep the Pound To keep the monarchy To keep BBC programmes To stay in the EU To stay in NATO That's like divorcing the wife but telling her you'll be home for your tea at night and still expect sex.
But the warheads can stay. The dangerous bit can stay but the tube it launches from has to go. What a joke!!!!
The man is a joke, but darling wasn't much better. He seems to think that the electorate will be turning out to vote for him. No, not you you numpty but for independence. He appears to be in his own little world where once we separate all will be rosy living off what oils left, in a nuclear free environment free from Westminster. Dream on.
Darlings saving grace, in my opinion, was that his responses demonstrated an understanding of the economy and that his answers were as direct as an open ended answer can be. Salmond brings nothing to the table apart from promises backed up by nothing and the idea of Mel Gibson with a blue face. 65 million in the UK. 5.5 million in Scotland. I'll take those odds for a prosperous future any day
The whole thing is lacking in forethought, research and planning. A whole country winging it? Mental. If they get what they're asking for I hope the whole thing goes tits. Then we can stand on the UK side of Hadrians wall giving all the unemployed, hungry Scottish people the V's and kicking the wannabee migrants back where they cast their vote for freedom.
a prosperous future for whom ping ping?how's your future looking? having a step father in reme he has heard your type before apparently, read in to that what you will. in the last 2-3 years we have learn't to debate and become engaged in our future , it's seems some have learnt nothing still bleating on about about the uk;s greatness. but in 3 weeks time it will be back to business slagging off our uk parliament for being a self serving bunch of tossers taking back handers hear there and every where. and not bothering to vote because whats the point. get a grip folks. it's coffee time.
You'll have to elaborate on your step father's meaning if you want me to understand because I don't right now. I take it you're firmly in the Yes group fin? May I ask why? What do you think that you will get that'll be better? I can tell you what I think you'll get that will be better; you'll have complete control of policy and budget. I think what you'll get that'll be worse is an inability to generate enough tax to run the services you expect and the resultant decrease in living standards, made more risky by relying on a finite, dwindling resource with a price that's outside of your manipulation.
i cant respond to this right now due to that fact you make my piss boil, and me gums are bleeding. you lost your chance to comment on this debate with me the minute you switched your brain off. maybe tomorrow.
not even the wrong answer......not even an answer....you could try just shouting over the other view.....dont forget to walk in front of your podium thing too.....thatll look powerful...
That's an interesting version of events ping ping. I'd like to think us Scots will make a decision based on historical evidence of Westminster mismanagement and sound arguments on exports in the Food and Drink sector, Manufacturing and Tourism , it's not all about oil. You're one of the deluded that thinks we're all up here sat in our kilts claiming benefits and painting our faces with flags. If I said you were all Morris dancing ale swiggers, there would be an uproar, but hey, this is a Ducati forum, I'm not expecting reasonable debate on something this important... Oh, and as far as not getting answers, clean your ears out and have a listen to last nights debate again on currency. Granted, Salmond didn't clear it up the first time. He did last night. Also, don't take what you're reading in the Daily Mail or the BBC as gospel. Do what I did, go away and do your (independent ) homework and see if you can come to a reasoned answer. If it's still no, I'll be surprised....