Salmond V Darling Tonight...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. there is a difference between humor and just balls out nasty, i recognize the difference. about 90% on here is humor. but like i said it would be more enjoyable to chew a half brick even with my teeth than blether with that. but i suspect your just shit stirring.
  2. why do i never get a score when ranting? i must of had a good 8or 9 out of ten by now.
  3. Must try harder. Much like Salmond.

    There you go, that should get your juices flowing. You have not been charged for this help and assistance :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. not a tall, i like your sense of humor if thought you meant the things that you say it would be a different kettle o fish. aye.
  5. is it just me or is Alister darling's eyes v.wide apart?
  6. did anyone notice how alister beamed with pride when he was asked to be part of the negotiating team after the referendum.?
  7. Hopefully your tooth is not hurting any more; Can you tell me why you think you'll be better off independent? I'm genuinely curious for a decent answer. My mind is not closed to an alternative point if view, nor am I looking to wind anyone up. Your man Salmond didn't convince me last night that he had anything to say about it.
  8. From what I remember of 'the Scottish regiments' the majority or them don't come from the Scottish Isles but the South Pacific Islands and prefer to wear grass skirts over kilts.

    Also did you actually hear Salmond give a figure for the size of the SDF and its associated support staff taking over Faslane in 5.5 years exactly after independence (result dependent) All I heard was 'considerable' and 'substantial.
    #48 Drinky, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  9. ok pingping what is a decent answer in your mind? i am admittedly as entrenched as a person with the opposite view. there has been quite a lot of "debate" on this subject already and for me i can really just boil it down to one word.
    Westminster. i have given my reasons a thousand times.
  10. That will be lighting the blue touch paper on stereotyping and possibly racist. :):):):)
  11. I was hoping for something along the lines of 'I think an independent Scottish government will mean a higher GDP per head and an increase in living standards for Scottish Citizens within a decade.' Or perhaps 'I think an Independent Scotland will give the Scottish Parliament greater control over public spending and will lead to increased access, at the point of use, to health care, education, policing and other public services.' Or even 'I think an independent Scotland will be internationally effective when uncoupled from the Union.'

    There are no claims like this from anyone, that I have heard. It's all well and good saying that Scotland is poorly managed from Westminster but I don't think independence is the best way to change that. At the root of it all is having the funding to pay for the change and then the ability to raise enough taxation to pay for all the public services Scots demand.

    In my opinion, there isn't enough money to start it and there's not enough business to pay for it all.
    #51 pingping010101, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
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  12. Will BSB still go to Knockhill? :confused:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Well it goes to Assen so I see no reason for it not to other than Assen is a great circuit and worth the trip Knockhill on the other hand.....
  14. Hi @finm are dentist free in Scotland :) cause that looks painful ( and expensive)
  15. Scotland is nice. The tartan biscuit tins and those little dogs are great. The whiskey is nice but the canned beer is pigswill. I hope it goes alright for the Scottish people, whatever way they vote.
  16. It is funny when they do things like that. I always have a smile to myself when I see a man wearing a tie with those black diamonds on a yellow background.

    Unfortunately this what this so called 'debate' boiled down to; who can press the most buttons.
  17. Good response, except the bit about the Daily Mail.
  18. i guess this is the difference between you and me pingping. i don't expect to be wealthier financially. considering the hours i do i am relatively low paid, but would be happy to pay more tax to secure a better future, that's the liberal in me.
  19. if you can get one. its been bothering me for a while so just pulled it myself. it was pretty loos already.
  20. The argument that it might be better for England if Scotland does break away is beginning to get some traction for me. Not because I want to get rid of the Scots, I like Scotland and the Scots, but because it would force a complete reevaluation of the role of politicians in Westminster. I am tired of the phrase "punching above our weight".
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