Salmond V Darling Tonight...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Then surely without those underlying issues being answered, the right vote is a no vote. Who collects and levies taxes is a moot point when it's not proven possible to raise enough money to run the country as desired without taxing everyone in to oblivion.
  2. nope. those who dares wins is the simple answer to that. think i might of spent to much time in spean bridge. or was it the sas that use that line?.
  3. It was Del and Rodney. I suspect you take the Rodney aspect of that relationship...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. quite possibly "grandad"
  5. and clearly thats not what was asked.

    what was asked was what are the reasons for a yes vote

    funny enough, exactly why Cameron and co want the UK to be (more) independent of EU. I.e. trade on our terms that suit us. You could say that would cause closed borders attitude towards the UK, or that it will mean we create UK goods for UK people and drive industry from within

    sounds just likes the Scots
  6. sound like your backs against the wall.
  7. Fin doesnt really have a firm 'reason'. Just a hunch or a feeling. Thats fair enough in my book on its own as sometimes you just gotta go with what 'feels' right. For him its a Yes, for me its a No.
  8. Sounds like you've got nothing to back up a yes vote other than just wanting to stick one to the English. If the Yes campaign is successful I hope things work out for Scotland. But it's a huge, huge risk and not one I'd be happy to subject my children to.
  9. i am not looking for a few extra bob in my pocket. i cant help your misplaced feelings ping ping.
  10. Are you looking for shorter waiting times for NHS treatment for the sick and injured? Would you like more police, an effective benefits system and support for children with learning difficulties? This isn't about money in to a scot's pocket, it's about money in to Scotland's pocket and the social network built from taxation. The Yes campaign has provided no evidence that they can support Scotland as it is, without even considering if it will get better. The oil estimates are conflicted, the exports and production markets are limited. There's a limited workforce, an issue with establishing a currency arrangement and all of the promises are based on smoke. The No vote is the wrong vote. You can't even tell me why it's a good idea. You're not going to affect me so much; I live in England. But you will be making life worse for your children and their children.
  11. Why are you that bothered?

    In the words of Joseph de Maistre: "Every country has the government it deserves (Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite").

    Let them get on with it :)
    • Like Like x 1
  12. thanks for your concern, but to turn it around you cant tell me why its a good thing to remain in control of the Westminster government and the spin you have aligned your self too.most will be slagging of the uk system on here within days of a no vote. you are no less entrenched than i am.
  13. The only thing I would add is that the referendum should be open to all UK citizens to have a say. The Scottish have a say in English and Welsh affairs. Why can't we have a say in Scottish affairs??

    Seems a tad one sided :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. mate you do. what makes you think you don't?
  15. I can give you some right off the bat with barely any effort and remember this isn't about government policy, it's about your whole country's place in international standing.

    As a member of the union, Scotland has greater purchasing power on the global market, a higher global credit rating and favourable trade agreements with many countries outside the EU.

    Scotland benefits from the gross domestic product of a population over 60 million and the taxation thereof, thus meaning a smaller tax for the working individual for a greater level of social welfare. This saving in tax means households have more disposable income to spend on buying products and services within the Scottish economy as part of the greater union economy.

    As a member of the union Scotland is a member of a global power with a military and nuclear force that provides it with a powerful seat at the table during times of international strife. Remembering that the money given to Afghanistan by the UK returns to the UK by being spent on British products and services, enabling greater growth in the economy and the money that provides for social care.

    Do you want more because I could go on all day.
  16. Mercy! Mercy!
    • Like Like x 2
  17. dont dontdont dont nahnanana
    dont dontdont dont nahnanana
    don't believe the hype.
    love public enemy me.
    i can sleep easy at night knowing you will get no pleasure from the hard work that is ahead off us.
  18. I don't give a shit whether Scotland goes it's own way or not.....

    ....this and previous Governments have wrecked the United Kingdom beyond repair anyway, so what does it matter if another part of it disappears?

    Even if Hadrian's Wall gets rebuilt, the Border Control won't work from either direction, so I doubt if anyone will notice the difference.
  19. We should have a vote down here on cutting them loose regardless whether they vote Yes or No. Plus its the Antonine wall that needs rebuilding, not Hadrian's.
  20. I don't actually give a flying f-k which bloody wall that gets rebuilt..... could be the garage wall or the party wall for all I fact they can have a nice little white painted picket fence (as if it would make any difference).
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