Getting a bit scary and thought I would share - have had two people with, let's just say Foreign accents phone me on landline now and immediately address me by my christian name but then won't respond to any 'who are you' questions. I've been stupid enough to respond with a 'Yes' both times as i'm obviously not guarded or quick enough but hope to be for the next time - anyone else had similar or can shed any light on which 'outfits' are trying this approach?? All jokes and general ridicule also welcome :smile:
probably will eventually AL, when I was younger I often wondered why people reverted to saying Eff Off! at the drop of a hat but I am finally starting to understand.
We never answer our home phone. It always goes to answerphone. If we know you we ring back. If we dont..... We never share our mobiles with anyone dodgy, although Fin has mine so I may need to broaden that description to mean dodgy and unknown. I wont talk to anyone from my bank unless I call them. Nor will I talk to any cold callers. I just say goodbye and hang up. No conversations. I have no twitter, facebook or other social media. My email hotmail acct was created in 1998 and is still registered to a fake ID to this day, although I guess you could easily find that its me if you wanted to. But I dont make it easy. I also have a real fake hotmail acct i use to register with those sites that need you to register. It is literally [email protected] or very similar . Make a fake one and use this. You will not get so much spam.
agree with boots although i am not the only one to have his phone number now.. when i do answer the phone and its some dude trying to sell me shit i tend to play along a bit just fora larf.
apart from the aforementioned phone pick-up gaffs I have a very similar approach, even considering ditching my mobile tbh as the uninvited attention in all it's forms is starting to wear me down now.
If all fails move over to TOR (The Onion Ring) browser. And seek the delights of the 'Dark Web'. Steer clear of social media. Its all a free harvesting for the ad men.
It doesn't necessarily mean your online security has been breached, you could just be on a "sucker" list. If you've ever responded to any kind of junk mail (or e-mail) marketing what details they did obtain will have gone on the list and been sold far and wide. Obviously tell these people nothing. Just hang up and get your self registered with the telephone preference service if you haven't already. And check your credit record regularly. Any unauthorised activity will show up straight away. I deleted my Google account recently because of security issues. Google rely on advertising revenue and they are terrible for selling your details to all and sundry and their security is very poor. My email account was constantly being attacked by spider programmes. Microsoft security is far stronger. I've since changed my email provider to Outlook. If do use Chrome for most browsing because its fast but to log onto websites that require a sign-in I'll make sure the personal details stored by that site are fictitious, especially if the the password has been stored. But that really is belt and braces. Your calls are likely to be more nuisance than risky as long as you tell them nothing. A mate got a call once while he was having an argument with his missus. It a gentleman from the Indian subcontinent trying to sell him something. He wasn't in the mood so he said "And you can F**k off" and hung up. Two minutes later the phone rang again. He picked it up and it was the Indian gentleman again: "Oh yes and F**k you too!" Fair play to him for spirit.
Too right. The tinternet is like a gov sponsored shopping mall. I'm going offline soon to the clearnet. Might even try going to shops and buying the things I need. But I do live in and around London, where i can buy most things easily enough. I too fecked off Google, and Amazon, and a few others.
All governemts are like that fin, not just UK. Your devolved gov will feck you off soon enough. They always do in the end.
You should about splitting off from the UK. Get away from Westminster. That kind of thing. Think about it, anyway.