Aug 22-25 Bh Germany

Discussion in 'Touring' started by bradders, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Would have been a miracle if it was him, he's been dead a couple of years. ;)
  2. Or so you thought.... there's a good chance he's actually hiding out in Germany?!
  3. :eek: What?! With Elvis? ;)
  4. sharing a room with elvis?
  5. i got in first :smile:
  6. It's a definite possibility....
    To test the theory Bradders was going to take a run at him and shout "catch me Patrick".
    It could well have been an amazing recreation of the lift scene from dirty dancing! (We assumed Patrick would act instinctively)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1409127134.807079.jpg
    Dirty bitch
  8. Not even looked at mine yet, todays job
  9. I've never seen it, so I had to take a look. It would appear that vintner and mein host at the bar is in black, and Bradders is in white. Clearly Bradders had more hair back in 1987, and he has put on a few pounds over the years - whereas Patrick on the other hand, has weathered very well ;)

  10. Wrong scene...

  11. Have you not seen Ghost?.......
  12. Well, you are the expert ;)

    (It did rain a lot on the trip but I thought it was a tad TOO wet in the clip).

    Can you put me right?
  13. 3'20 ;)

    I was nominated for this bollox ice bucket challenge. Reckon I fulfilled that on the M26
    • Like Like x 1
  14. You're legs look a lot better than i imagined they would..
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  15. Me too.. what is it?
  16. well you had drunk 10 pints by then
  17. Sound like you all had a good trip,
    How much is it for a lap on the ring.
  18. Shit - can't remember - about €25 - 30 or something like that
  19. Ten dollar, lucky boy!;)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  20. Euros 100 for four laps; Euros 28 for one lap. I think.
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