New Neighbours!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Gingerdog, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. I think we've got new neighbours moving in soon.
    Next door has been empty for 6 months, it was just a single guy used to live there who we hardly ever saw, so that was ok. He didn't mind me going to work at 430 am as it's difficult telling a Diavel to shush! Everything seems louder at that time of day.

    There now seems to be some activity,comings and goings!

    And,wait for it......Children!

    What's the etiquette with new neighbours.
    I'm not sure :/
  2. Nail some frozen sausages in the front lawn to encourage the wildlife.

    Don't actually do this's a joke.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. If they seem like a nice family-pop round with a bottle of wine and welcome them to the neighbourhood.This will make them think you are a nice guy.They are less likely to jump up and down every time you start your bike.:)
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  4. Your behaviour should depend on how big hubby is.
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  5. Run around your back garden completely naked making wild noises,thats normally works.........

    Thats a joke too so not really recommended.:)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. do what you always do, if they complain , do it noisier
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Apparently, Jesus told his followers to "love thy neighbour".

    He obviously didn't live on a sink council estate

  8. Is 110% the right answer. Mervyn and Mrs Mervyn , are the perfect neighbours.:upyeah:
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  9. Go big or go home. Knock on his door and punch who ever answers square in the nose. Do not hesitate, even if it is a child. Just Doorbell - 'Hello? - *WACK* - Leave.

    This will let them know that they shouldn't come and ask you to hush your bike.

    How old are the kids? My 9 month old would wake at the sound of a Diavel and that would be annoying but my 4 year old wouldn't notice and I wouldn't mind that.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  10. Just be honest and up front with them and see what their reaction is.....if theyre ok with it no problem, if theyre not... as mentioned just do it noisier and baws to em! lol
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Make them 'think' he's a nice guy, isn't that deceitful? :Wideyed:
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  12. A PH'er
  13. Kill them with kindness. Then they will be so conflicted about complaining that you wake them up every morning they'll probably just buy earplugs.
  14. I'd appreciate you pushing the bike down the road before starting it up.
    4.30am is a piss-take imo
  15. there's something to be said for that.
    Annoy someone you don't like next to.
  16. Well, if the neighbours have already moved in, it's obvious that you have failed to take suitable preventative measures, which is to say, burning the property to the ground.

    Your only option now is damage control - I suggest burning the property to the ground.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  17. we recently had new neighbours move in couple and a young son, the lad is not there a lot so must live most the time with his other parent, we introduced our selves when they where moving in, the wardrobe looked heavy so decided to make an exit sharpish, we give the odd nod and hello when we see each other, that's about it, work commitments mean we are out most of the day and night, never really see them, like I say when we do its a nod and a hello, not into all this giving gifts welcome to the neighbourhood lark, and maybe it's the same for them, just see how it plans out. And rule never shi+ on your door step - could be serial killers.
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  18. or Mormons
  19. at least he hasn't got a harrier to get to work in.

    if they put a sofa out in the front garen and hand a george cross hanging from an open window with a pitbull - torch them!
    • Agree Agree x 4
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