Ebay Rant!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Anyone have any experience with the other auction sites?
  2. They don't give a toss about evidence, I had the same problem , the buyer said item was not as advertised , I had photographic proof which I emailed to eBay , he then said they were also damaged, he got a full refund , when I resold the item I got less in the auction and at the end was £140 out of pocket
  3. not any more they dont,have a mate with a big account on there and he says "veiws" are down 70% on last year and sales are just 1 or 2 a week now compared to 50+ last year.

    reckons its that bad ebay have given him free repeating slots for 6 mths for all his adverts(boating,caravan,sports and cycling)

    veiws on my dzr were just 300 in two weeks,thats terrible compared to my gixxer a 2 years ago that had nearly 2 thousand veiws in a week.

    most of my favorite sellers have gone and i now get stuff direct from websites direct.
    only bit thats still useful is paypal for me and thats only for buying,selling is only to trusted mates/forum members etc..

    ebays about as popular as alibaba now,and just as trustworthy.started as a scammers paradise,cleaned up/was good for a while then went back to a scammers paradise,which is what it is now with their rules benefiting just the buyers.

    pistonheads used to be a good site for bikes and stuff but that seems to have all but disapeared and seems empty now,wonder what happened there.
    swapz is just a pikey site,shame as could have been good.
    ebid simply never advertised enough and basically is just another failed dream i reckon
    swoggi is a scam site
    forums and gumtree is all thats left now i think and you still need to be "aware" on those

    sorry got carried away there,i blame redbull..:Bag:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Ive a guitar up for a week and it has >600 views and 20 watchers. Depends what you are advertising. Plus I'm genuine and only an occasional seller.

    I only buy 2nd hand stuff on ebay from regular people. Not big sellers. 99% of other stuff can be sourced direct, usually cheaper too.

    Always only buy used stuff from 100% good feedback peeps. I occasionally buy from imperialsportsbikes in USA via ebay. Takes a while to get here but they are very accurate on their descriptions and photo everything.
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  5. It's the same old story-if you can't see it and touch it,don't buy it...
    I still buy stuff on ebay,can't say I've really had a problem with that,and most of my sales end with a deal done before the listing ends...fook ebay,they charge enough for the listings
    In fact,I'm surprised more people don't get ripped off,some are so eager to pay they refuse to send just a token deposit before viewing,and I end up with a load of their dosh before they've even seen the item.
    I once had a guy from oop North send me £14.5k plus the old Vodka-And-Tonic for a truck he'd never even seen,I begged him not to do it because if he didn't like the friggin thing there would be hells own job to get the money back to him...
  6. Dealing with the so called Customer Service Team has been Hellish!
    Sick of the whole ghastly affair now! :Meh:
  7. Appeal, I think I would. Unfortunately eBay get away with too much but you can see fro

    "Does eBay mainly side with the buyer in case resolution?

    No. We strive to make sure cases get resolved fairly to the satisfaction of both parties. If you feel a case has been resolved unfairly, you can appeal the decision by providing new information to the case, such as additional information from the shipping carrier to Customer Support within 30 days from the day the case is closed. eBay reviews information and documentation from both buyers and sellers in detail before making a final decision."
  8. Just to conclude;
    Item has now been returned to me.
    The box/packaging I sent it has not even been opened!
    Clearly a case of ebaying whilst pissed!
    • Like Like x 2
  9. At least you got your stuff back.....you have opened it haven't you? He hasn't sent you a box of bricks, unless that's what you sold him of course! :)
  10. yup - at least I can re-sell with a clear conscience.
  11. What, with that mark on it! ;)
  12. The whole procedure stinks I would report it to E-Bay on principle even though it wont make any difference.
  13. ^^^ As per above eBay needs to know there is another side to any story, I agree you may not get far but they need to know what "tricks" people are pulling.

    Recently ebay have stated that sellers have to pay for return postage as part of their new terms and conditions, this is opening up another can of worms that those that are less than honest are going to cash in on.

    If a seller has been conned eBay needs to know and I would not hesitate to state my case If I had another stitch up as per my comments above.
  14. The good it will do, I have reported the buyer to ebay...:Banghead:
  15. I agree entirely but eBay have gone mad making sellers now pay the postage for returns on items. This is a licence for every for every fool, idiot and con man to do what they want.

    I use eBay a lot to buy and sell both inside and outside my business and maybe eBay need to get enough complaints to start taking things seriously. If their revenue drops then they might realise that people can do something about their unfair policies.

    Craigslist got seriously messed up in the states because it had poor monitoring and it lost it's way until people started objecting, it might be not much better now but at least people had their say.
  16. I wasn't aware of this, what ebay seem to be missing is that supporting buyers is one thing, but you also need the sellers to be selling. If you piss them all off, then what?
    The problem with such arrogant behavior is that as soon as there's a viable alternative people will be off in their droves!
  17. so what did you sell and what was the problem..
  18. ^^^ I agree and I have now withdrawn certain sales from eBay, so they are losing already. If enough people do it and make it clear it is their policies that are contributing to this then they might move in another direction and listen to both sides of the story.
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