Poll - Austerity - how has it affected you???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. lot's of benefit cuts going on around us here... along with the parasites who claimed for years on incapacity handouts getting them stopped.
    Also lots of free car owners winging that thier free cars have gone back after being found out...
    Also a woman who lives near the shop who claimed single parent handouts while new man was living with her..... another saving.
    So yes cuts are really going on.
  2. Cranker do not comment on countries you did not live in for extended time. Want to speak about Czech situation speak to people from Czech or second best Geo on this website who lives there for donkeys years now. To let you know Poland started going to recession only last year and are still on plus despite it even this year so better then UK. Day to day prices are almost as or the same as in UK with lower salary but we are talking food here and such. House rental or loans are much cheaper. You can buy a house for 30k GBP or rent 1 bedroom for less then 200GBP a month (one bedrooms are rented by couple that both work). Place for one (bachelors pad) would be about 150GBP. Reason people come here well there are main 3 for some is all for some is mix.
    1. Culture - for that you would have to live there to understand. However those people come to stay in UK.
    2. Minimum legal salary, it is about 150GBP so to start working career there you are fucked. Better to come to UK gather experience, put away deposit money for house loan. 3k GBP put as down payment for 1 bedroom lowers the monthly payments from 200GBP to about 130GBP. Those come for few years to enjoy time here, save a bit and go back.
    3. Unemployment, well it was as now it is about the same. Difference is if you come to London you will find a job while in Poland if you go to Warsaw you probably will not.

    I will say it like this. I have my bikes so now if I were to get 3500 of Polish zloty as salary in area I come from I would consider it hard. 2500 is what people get on average and can live of it. My nice is one of those bad bankers and her first salary was 2k now she is at 2.5k and says she could now buy/rent place but then she3 could not afford her trips to Mount Everest and like. Hence she still lives with her parents (being 25 it is not that bad).[/QUOTE]

    Right then smart arse - why are you in the uk? Is it better than poland? I know I was only there for 12 months, but found it very polarised. If housing is so cheap stay there I would say to Poles "stay in poland".I myself, found the saefty standards in chemical sites I inspetced horrendous, the culture of an evening lacking (i was in small backwoods towns), little to do that could be found in the uk for entertaiment. It was to me, stuck in the 70's. I have lived in Germany, Poland, Czech rep, India, China, Belgium and Ireland. Rating of countries - Germany, Belgium,Ireland Czech, Poland, China, India - in that order. The UK must have something going for it - we have a large immagrant populasion.
  3. Yes Cranker main thing UK has going is benefit culture, relaxed immigration laws and minimum salary that comparing to other countries is high. I been to backward UK towns and they are not much better. Past time of sitting in garden with neighbours getting drunk. Thing is unlike in Poland here they can afford alcohol from social aid, by scamming or what ever. In Poland there is unemployment pay and that is it. You can not scam government in to more (putting aside acting as disabled).
    No one gets more, no car as benefit, no lone parent benefit no window to scam government. As result small towns with high unemployment have no pubs (bars)as no one goes there. While those who work are on lower salary and can not afford it on daily basis. Funny pub's in UK are closing as people do not go there no more, can not afford it. Finally this is where culture comes in Brit's have pub culture which does not exist in Poland. We always did our drinking socialising in either night club's in bigger cities or at home hence no pubs/bars.

    Your H&S rules in UK impair peoples thinking processes and then you have to have signs saying to not touch electric cables or else some one will touch it. Do not talk about H&S as all it creates in UK is Law suit culture. The work gets done in Poland and for half the price hence heavy industry is not completely dead. It is not dead only because of lower over head costs and more H&S will increase those costs. Warning on packet of nuts saying "Warning may contain nuts" is perfect example of over the top H&S. Thanks to it packet of nuts is more expensive then it has to be as some H&S official had to check if nuts contain nuts. Then you have to do your safety assessments on regular basis to check if nuts still contain nuts, your risk assessment as in checking what happens if nuts contain nuts and there is no warning about it. That is all nuts and makes any UK business less competitive.

    For why we come to UK you got your reply in my post above. Most people actually go back after about 5 years as they put enough on the side to get a house or the least hefty deposit. In short starting salary is a joke and you can not afford to live for that. Family will help you but if you in smaller town you end up existing with few weeks of living in the year. In bigger towns if you stick to it you will get ahead, all of my friends that staid did. Some came here for few years to gather cash for house deposit and back to PL. Short-cut in a way. Have you not noticed a drop in recent years of people from PL coming here? As it is it became impossible to save few grand for deposit in short time. I now have two house in Poland on mortgage both being rented on 10y contract. I pay nothing as rent covers mortgage. All I had to do is sign for first house :D and have 1.5k deposit for second to lower the interest rates on mortgage.

    Regarding other immigration, in Poland you get work/stay visa for fixed time. If you want to extend it or make it permanent you have to attend Polish lessons in advance and learn the language. It is checked and tested that you do. If you do not no extension and out. In UK you have people living here for 40 years not learning language having indefinite live to remain. What is that all about? I was told citizenship test is done in multiple languages are you kidding me?
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  4. " I now have two house in Poland on mortgage both being rented on 10y contract. I pay nothing as rent covers mortgage. All I had to do is sign for first house :D and have 1.5k deposit for second to lower the interest rates on mortgage. "

    Your labour rate just went up Lucasz. I cant afford a house here AT ALL.........:frown:
  5. If I were to work in Poland I would barely be able to afford 1 bedroom if I had another half working. That is only after we both worked for like 6 -7 years and got to lower en of average salary. I can only afford two houses because they cost 30k now and I can get mortgage for 30 years for it. With percentage and other loan costs I have to pay about 150 a month for one and 130 for other. As they are rented for 10y contract I do not pay anything as rent is covering it but I have no right to the house for 10 years.
  6. And there's me been charging you bugger all for years when all the time you're skint cos you are sending the money back to Poland to buy houses with.......
  7. To be honest it's not really affected me so I guess I'm lucky. But I've worked all my life and never claimed a penny and yes I do get pissed off when I see my hard earned going on some scrounging shit bag who's never worked a day in their life. As for Viv paying her gardener a tenner a month for mowing her lawn, good on her. I waste so much money on shite each month at least she's putting money into the guys pocket. Hey Katana, I might take a photo later of me burning a tenner just to piss you off :tongue:
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  8. It's a pretty nromal thing i gather for Polish people working here. Trying not to be negative, they take the money and run. The UK has a very admirable healt and social welfare system which seems to the main concern of some poeple who come here. Unfortunaltely, people working in this country pay for it. That is very altruistic of us as a nation, and commendable - but bloody expensive. Trying not to be xenophobic, perhaps we should by british and employ british. But only if the quality of both is there. I do have to deal with a number of shysters (brits) everyday, but they are figuring out they have to do a fair days work for a fair days pay. Some of them have got a right hump with me, oh dear.
  9. Where's that popcorn seller when you need him...
  10. [QUOTE
    Regarding other immigration, in Poland you get work/stay visa for fixed time. If you want to extend it or make it permanent you have to attend Polish lessons in advance and learn the language. It is checked and tested that you do. If you do not no extension and out. In UK you have people living here for 40 years not learning language having indefinite live to remain. What is that all about? I was told citizenship test is done in multiple languages are you kidding me?[/QUOTE]

    I never had a visa, and didnt need one...............A company rented house and no questions asked. I had skills and knowledge that client companies thought was not available locally.But it was..........then they all left to jump on a gravy train somewhere else.
  11. I have to agree with Lucasz' comment on H&S, we do price ourselves out of the market with over-zealous h&s bollocks; most of the work I do could be done much cheaper if only we were trusted to look after ourselves.
  12. Yes and No Cranker. There are people who come here for 3y. Work, pay taxes, buy stuff they need, go to hospital when sick but also put few grand away to go back and buy a home. What is wrong with that? They paid everything here like you and I. I have sent a total of about 5.5-6k pounds over 8 years. Is that a lot? 3.5 to pay student loan, 1.5k for 2nd place and about 1k to help out my parents. You need to worry about those who come and go on benefits. Those come from everywhere including UK.
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  13. I never had a visa, and didnt need one...............A company rented house and no questions asked. I had skills and knowledge that client companies thought was not available locally.But it was..........then they all left to jump on a gravy train somewhere else.[/QUOTE]

    You are talking EU right if not you worked illegally or on company got visa for you, same as here. Go to any local government office in Pl and ask for documents in English. Except EU documents that is, they will LoL and say you are not in England.
  14. i get you Lucaz. Its what I did for 15 years or so. Worked abroad, took clients money then banked it back in the UK. It was not tens of millions but it was income that was taxed in the uk and spent (the majority) in the uk whilst coming out of forieng companies. My own little contribution to increasing out GDP.
  15. Totally lost at what Lucazade is arguing...good to be in britain or bad?! Have there been cuts or not?!

    There are cuts but as always its front line and not senior managment. Often, and rarely talked about, its not front line workers but front line managers that go. These are the lower middle peolpe who have little influence on decisons but have lots of control over workforce attitudes and performance. They go and then bosses wonder why we cant make any business,private or public, more efficient...and god knows the public sector and civil servants could do with a proper efficiency drive!
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  16. I guess me and Cranker went off the subject a bit. My first post states that if I were to get salary slightly over average in PL I would consider going as living costs and all that in UK are getting higher while salary stays put.
  18. So paying tax on their first job (that is of all their jobs arent cash in hand) for a few months entitles them to have full health care and thousands spent then like, say, they fal off theor bike and need major reconstructive surgery?! Get real fella, it doesnt.

    But....just because its not fair doesnt make it wrong. Every country in the world should have some for of free health care...just seems only the UK are prepared to pay for it and support all and sundry.
  19. But when your child goes to his 1st job and does above it is fine? Despite him/her not contributing to NHS before? Regarding free care if you have no NI and no contributions care in UK is not free. If NHS does not chase it up.... Also health care system in PL is the same you work and pay taxes you have free care. Finally UK and PL had agreement before EU that citizens of uk in Pl and other way round get free care and local authority bills it back. With uk costs who wins there?
    #59 Lucazade, Jul 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
  20. Of course its right for my child to get the care they need, if only by the virtue his parents, grand parents, great grandparents have contributed over the years, sorry mate but thats a ridiculous statement and non argument

    And although throughout the EU there is agreement to bill back with the E111 or whatever the card is, try convincing a French or Spanish dr you domt hav to pay ;)

    I thik there is a major myth about the costs of immigration; getting benefits is not that easy and who wants to live on £60 a week even if your rent is paid? Its the cost of monitoring these things that gets out of control.

    Best thing to do would be cut red tape. Easier said than done, and would mean lots of jobs lost, but conversely should create work too. Either that or vote communist, just like China....
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