Absolutely Unbelievable!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BIG M, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. In this country we take our kids to the likes of Gulliver's World or Lego Land. Everyone has a good time, the kids leave with big smiles on their faces and the parents leave with empty pockets but it's all good because we haven't shot and killed anyone during the course of the day. It never fails to astound me how the dumb ass Americans see guns as toys to the point where they have days out for the kids to places such as 'Bullets & Burgers' which involves munching burgers and firing machine guns!. I'm not sure who is the stupidest here, the people who own these places, the parents for taking their kids there or just the entire American population as a whole. Fuck me will they ever learn!!:Rage:

    Shooting instructor Charles Vacca dies after girl accidentally shoots him in head | Mail Online
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  2. I learned to shoot at 9, there is nothing wrong with it, in fact it is good fun. It was an appropriate gun for me at the time though, a 9mm garden gun (a small single round shotgun). From there i went to a .410, then a 20 bore and a 12 bore as my abilities progressed.

    I don't however see how anyone could possibly think giving a 9 year old a fully automatic submachine gun is a good idea, adults panic when they use automatic weapons, how the hell did they expect a child to cope?
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  3. As you know it's wrong to generalise.

    But it's "the entire American population as a whole" :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. poor kid. will need to live with that for the rest of her life. assuming she don't get sued
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  5. It's not the whole of the US... It's everywhere in the US except the east coast.
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  6. You're right but nearly half of the American population own a gun and there are enough guns in circulation in the USA for everyone to have more than one, and we're not talking about cap guns here, everything from hand guns to machine guns are readily available at shops in every town and city. The vast majority of Americans think it is acceptable to own one and their birth right. The American attitude towards guns in general is wrong. And as long as that attitude remains we will continue to turn on the TV and see stories such as this where children are brought up to see guns as an everyday object.
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  7. At least he died doing something they both loved.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. He loved being shot in the head? :confused:
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  9. I agree with finm, my sympathies lie with the young girl. It is a terrible position to find yourself in at the tender age of 9 years.
  10. As Donald Trumps says "You're FIRED!"
  11. lost for words .........
    completely different culture
    not sure I would want my kids in charge of an uzi
    they are bad enough with nerf guns
  12. Modified for you...
  13. Listening to 5 live on the drive home from work the news item about a group of American parents are suing FIFA cos there kids have to head footballs and it might cause brain damage.

    They truly are a nation of W****rs
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  14. In the USA, just like in the UK, anybody can sue anybody else for anything. If the claim is rubbish, it will inevitably get thrown out by the courts in the usual way. In the meantime, the suers have got the publicity which was the whole object of the exercise. There has been a trend in recent years for people in USA to try their luck at suing not because they have suffered any actual damage whatever, but just because they claim to have been exposed to some risk of damage (which has not eventuated).
  15. I feel sorry for the family of the chap who got shot. In my opinion he had an irresponsible job and it was only a matter of time before it all went wrong, he paid the ultimate price which is sad and it was a waste of life that was in its prime and his family will have to endure that. The ultimate blame as far as I'm concerned is with the girls parents. Most children of that age would struggle to lift a gun such as that let alone control it. I just don't understand the mentality of why you would want to take your children to a place like that and treat it as though it is some sort of playground. The little girl will struggle to understand the gravity of it all but one day she will and I would imagine it will haunt her for the rest of her life.
  16. It seems to me that putting firearms (let alone automatics) into the hands of 9 year old children is a pretty severe form of child abuse. In this case, the vile perpetrator was so stupid that he got shot dead himself. This was an extremely rough kind of justice, but I'll not be shedding many tears for him.
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  17. Warriors?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. No. Winkers
  19. Brainless instructor.
  20. Utter bollocks! There is nothing abusive about teaching a child how to properly and safely use a firearm. The key is ensuring that they are properly supervised, correctly trained and not given a weapon that is above their skill level.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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