The "give Me Strength!"... Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sev, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. So there I was in the wagon, commuters were going home and crossing the road. I put it into reverse and manoeuvre into a space. Or try to. Three times I hit the brakes with the sight of some twat walking behind the car. Is it me or do people not understand reversing lights and backward movement?
    I'm not a feckin chameleon with all round vision- I only know they're there when they appear in the rear screen and the parking sensor goes mental.

    And then the last silly tart had the temerity to get low and leer into the window. :mad:

    What makes her so fucking important?

    And next week I've got the 4XWhores to contend with, myopic surrey tarts wot lunch taking little emperor to school and nearly running me over because they have to avoid that little puddle in case it makes their smug wagon discovery sport dirty.

    Oh and I want a Saracen, so I can drive it against the self imposed and known only to themselves one way system at kiddy hour.
    Oh and then I can play chicken with the Neanderthal in the tranny van who just floors it down hound house road and forces every poor fucker against the earth bank.

    What is it with the collapse of common sense and just simple common curtesy?

    God give me strength!
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  2. I know what you mean
    I was parking up yesterday and 3 builders walked behind me I just kept going and just missed them they had fluorescents on too :)
    No friggin sense just walk behind a reversing car they deserve all they get
  3. Is this what they call a "First World problem?":D
  4. F.W. Problem, fuckwit definitely.

    Not exactly on the same scale as global poverty or the cure for cancer but still. Hey Ho.
  5. 3/10 - there's a bonus mark in there for being absolutely correct.
  6. things are looking up already.

    Tell you what, I'll keep to matters of great social gravitas or technical importance in future.
  7. Your OP definitely fell into the first category, keep up the good work :upyeah:
  8. poor obs....

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  9. Its just the same with people crossing the road. Surely its simply. Cross at those funny island, zebra crossing things. Not 50 yards from them and especially not if you can barely walk. Don't try and hobble between traffic when there's a much easier and safer option readily available to you
  10. As above ..... Even at crossings . Today 6 times at pelican crossings " oh it's gone green let's just walk across the road as slowly as we can with a pimp limp cause we are hard innit" ... The last bunch to do I slowed down but kept going so they had to move out the way . Twats ..
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