I fail to accept that a man of such clear intelligence needs something so simple explained, so therefore must be purposely being obtuse
He only gets like this when the gin is running low. I quite enjoy watching Mr 1950 playing sillybuggers of a weekend.
There is no way that a child of that age should be allowed to handle any short barrelled weapon; let alone a machine pistol. Blame must go to the parents; but even more so to the muppets who ran the range; they should have known better.
My lawnmower got a puncture. Got it fixed and finished in the dark. I think I'm in the thread. Move if not, thank you.
i liken a 9 yrs old handling an Uzi to a 50+ grown male adult having a pony tail...utterly wrong from all angles..
classic case of darwins theory of removing stupid people from the gene pool. no sympathy for any instructor stupid enough to hand a loaded gun to a 9 year old
pots and kettles my good man. but to be honest i like your sense of humor, it's taken about a year to get my head round it tho.
There was a very odd fellow at Silvertone a few weeks ago with a VERY long pony tail! He also insisted on wearing his sunglasses in doors....'nuff said...
When I put forward a pretty straightforward assertion on this subject, our friend Attila responded by calling it "utter bollocks". After some toing and froing, he has now been induced substantially to accept my original assertion. A small step forwards, perhaps, but there is nothing obtuse about the process. By the way, if a question is asked to which the answer seems obvious or upon which there is general agreement, that does not mean it is a "stupid question".
Relativism certainly exists, and many are the debates held between relativists and absolutists. But let us not confuse morals with ethics. Morals concern an assessment of the rightness or wrongness of particular actions by particular individuals; ethics concern generalities and systems of broad applicability. A person might carry out an action which is highly 'moral' by the standards of the system of ethics to which they subscribe. A similar action carried out by a person subscribing to a totally different system of ethics might be highly 'immoral'. That's where relativism comes in. In these terms, I am more of an absolutist than a relativist, by the way.