Breaks Your Heart Doesn't It.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. wonder how they will cut there costs? buy up more land so there competitors cant move in?
  2. buy out pubs, turn em into tescos express's and rent out the accommodation above... refurbed the first one for em last year.. If all these types start getting into this the property market will be even harder..
  3. it's what they do up here already, they own a pile of land in fortwilliam and oban area. then refuse to sell to other supermarkets.
  4. it amazes me the response to changes to the tax disc has yet the individual impact is far less than the impact every time you shop at ...well anywhere you shop as they are all the same and the corner green grocer has long been swallowed up....dont forget that profit is after all the senior staff have had their obscene wages out too.....
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  5. You're not forced to shop there though
  6. where do you shop then......
  7. Do they sell chips...? ;)
  8. Wherever I want to......:)
  9. stopped using tescos when they put the automated lanes in.
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  10. Don't let Ducbird hear you say that.
  11. ah. is she the guilty one? they piss me off. slow stuff down, promote theft and ever tried getting a bit of craic from a machine?
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  12. Ducbird is a world authority on the introduction of said machines IIRC.

    I suspect you would get some craic from her though ;)
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  13. i don't doubt it.
    duckbird i feel tesco are taking the wrong direction here. the girls in the petrol station hate the new barriers fitted to the kiosk and the pay at the pumps are bollox.:p
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  14. What is the problem here. Just like any company they reach their peak, then slow down and start looking in to how to turn it around. M&S did the same and so far failed to turn around. It is easy to go up it is harder to stay there.

    Saying that how will they cut cost well by making redundancies and such. Easiest and best in view of each big company.
    Then in place they will take 0h contracts and/or agency staff. All that because they can, because UK is refusing to fallow suit of rest of EU markets in regards of working conditions as a hole.
    In long term that will be a downfall of UK business's.
  15. What your proposed alternative?
  16. We move to Scotland and grow our own haggis
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. you don't grow haggis you hunt them.

  18. With a harpoon, speed camera or voting card?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Hate Tesco's! 3.3bn and you have to cash up your own shopping most of the time, and British mugs still go to see the place burn to the ground.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
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