I hate this country's bullshit fvken compulsory insurance and lack of regulation scam and mother fvken insurace companys. I hate the comparison sites that take all your details,offer a quote and then change the price when you go to pay! Surely if i give all my details and they tell me so and so insurer will cover me for ex £'s, when i click ok and the price leaps by 300 that is false advertising at least? If I were in a shop and took a product that was labeled and advertised for £10.00 to the counter and was then told i have to pay £20,00 it would be. Just been on go compare and have been quoted £470.00 £50.00 up on last years. Even though I'm a year older, van is worth less, now have 5 years ncb and the van is now kept on a drive behind a looked gate instead of on the street. When i went to look at the actual quote details it leaped by £300.00! I called commercial van direct (on advice from a friend) and was told the best they can do out of the 7 insurers they deal with is £1300.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked why so much? That is what the computer says i was told... He said He'd talk to the underwriters direct but unlikely to be under £1000.00... FUCKEN SCAM!!!! Also asked the guy as to why 3rd party is now more than fully comp, He says its because more claim are made on 3rd party.. What a fucken crock.. Everyone is goin fully comp as its cheaper now so more claims will be made on this. I think its because they are fazing out 3rd party so there is no cheap alternative. The government do not care to regulate charges as the more profit these scourge of the earth companies make, the more tax revenue for them.... CVNTS...... rant over
always phone go fully comp and put a female friend on as named driver. you might be pleasantly surprised
I've just switched my van insurance to gladiator.co.uk. I think ive paid about 350 fully comp, carriage of own goods, on a lwb sprinter 311cdi. im 51 and live out in the sticks with van parked on driveway at night.
i Think living in the sticks helps... have been with gladiator and changed when they doubled renewal.... but this dont change the fact that they can charge what they want and cant/wont tell you why you
i changed from a PH post code to a PA post code all our insurances went up altho i am more remote than i have ever been. having lived in paisley i can understand why.
Vivaro Sportive, fully comp, £260 with the Post Office, parked on the drive overnight, self employed joiner. Steve
Give eVan a try,I didn't use their quote as I have fleet insurance,but the price wasn't bad as I recall...
Evan have stopped doing insurance. I think they've either sold their business or just become a broker. That's who I was with and at renewal time they suggested I try Asda insurance instead! Same story with ebike too, part of same group.
Bugger,I'm with eBike as well....they were not the cheapest,but I couldn't find anyone else who would cover five bikes...