Yes yes,Pete.Dont form your opinions based on what you may think with your somewhat narrow views. but not to suprised that you dont understand really.
Don't they have Range Officers in the US? In this country you can't even unzip the gun bag until the RO tells you to and every firearm must be called "clear" by the RO before it can leave the firing point and no-one, but no-one is permitted forward of the firing point until all firearms are cleared and removed. Its not rocket science to avoid getting shot.
And a weapon being fired on full automatic only goes one way. Up. Stand behind all you want, that girl couldn't control the weapon and cope with the forces involved.
Well yes. Also under the heading of things which are not rocket science when wishing to avoid being shot is not giving an automatic weapon to a 9 year old. There's a reason why they don't do that at Bisley. I wonder where the rest of her bullets went? She presumably skied all those that missed the hapless instructor.
I got to about page 4.....imo a gun is a tool.... It's a tool to kill or defend... It doesn't seem right to be used for pleasure.... If your in the business of needing one then a firing range would rightly be justified. I think it's a bit strong to be described as child abuse but then adhering to my first statement I don't think there's any reason for a 9 year old in a country like America to need one.... Comparing a gun to Marshall arts or the like seems a bit extreme also as a gun requires literally no effort to fire. I'm falling on the side of "it's wrong" but at the same time also see the side of the English NRA on here! Marks.... Get set.... Slag me off!
Actually it is rocket science! Various laws from newton etc..I won't bore you but those that know...know.
And there was me thinking a rocket was a self-propelled projectile powered at controlled velocity by burning fuel carried in its body whereas a bullet is a dry projectile propelled by a single captive explosion on a parabolic trajectory determined by the effects of velocity and kinetic energy depletion expressed as the bullet's ballistic coefficient and sectional density against muzzle velocity over gravity. And stuff. But I could be wrong.
Which is why I mentioned Newton...and all of the above forces also apply to Rockets, albeit the rocket has a more gentle start.
And about 30 years of shooting. :Angelic: Talking of Wikipedia, if you really want to keep someone quiet for five minutes tell them to look up The Rifleman's Rule. Rifleman's rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its not the effort that i was comparing but the outcome, if you connect with a powerful kick or punch you will do some serious damage, however as with learning clay pigeon shooting / target shooting you are taught control, rules for safety and that there is a correct time and place for it. It takes no effort to punch someone and you don't need any additional equipment BUT you are taught that even when defending yourself this should always be considered a last resort when all other routes have failed. When learning to shoot you are taught that you should never, under any circumstances, point a gun at someone, whether it is loaded or not. As pingping said a gun is a tool designed to fire lumps of metal in a straightish line, what you use that outcome for is what is important. A hammer is a tool designed to concentrate impact force into a single location, a knife is a tool designed to cut, either can be used for a number of different useful activities but could just as easily be used to harm (and through history both have been used as weapons of war) and yet you will find both in the average house. It can be argued that a gun does not have the useful alternative uses, however, just because i'm holding a gun when clay pigeon shooting does not mean i will use it to cause harm, just the same as using a knife when i'm cooking dinner or 'fixing' the bike with a hammer...