Absolutely Unbelievable!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BIG M, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Very true, but show me a bow that can fire 30 arrows a second?
  2. The fire rate doesn't actually make a difference does it? Either you're using it safely or you are not.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Watch "Rapid Fire Speed Archery Almost as fast Pistol Se…" on YouTube - Rapid Fire Speed Archery Almost as fast Pistol Se…:
  4. I agree with you 100% Tom and it nothing to do with the fact you know the guys with all the really cool toys :)
  5. They don't actually let me play with them though, I just have to carry them!

    Unless you're using a machine gun, which is designed to be an area weapon, all shots are fired at other people one by one or in pairs. The exception being close - quarter battle. Obviously there is more depth to this but for the main it's about right.

    A round fired for nil effect is a wasted round and when your balls are to the wall you'd regret that expenditure. Automatic fire is for people that like the noise and want to feel manly but not actually want to hit their target.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. bit like a dry clutch then....see, a motorcycle reference, just to keep the purists happy ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Apparently it's now being treated as an "industrial accident" !
  8. Seen a guy doing the smilie face from 75 yards. Standard issue, apparently. Very impressive. I got into the shorting team, won a couple of things. Once put my hand up, appealed a night short, paid the fee, won that with a possible. It's training. Got that many possibles I tried lying down for a while with a silly coat and strap and got bored with that.
    Auto is bull, tap it, don't hold it. 2 or 3 max.
  9. Auto may be bull but semi auto is V bull.
  10. Might be fun, you never hear people complain about it....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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