Breaks Your Heart Doesn't It.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Ooh! Sounds fantastic!

    How can I contribute, financially?
  2. No idea Loz, all run by Italians so information, just like their organisation skills, are spurious at best!

    I can forward on the details if you want them.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. LOL. You wag, Ant :D
  4. Can somebody explain whats happening? Im lost. Any thread with refrence to "real world" is worth reading and somehow we have gone from tesco to owners vlubs?
  5. has any life been found on mars yet?
  6. It's called "thread drift". That's when you hit it with a big hammer and the thread just sort of loosens up.
    Posters too, sometimes :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I've been called worse!
  8. how strange this sort of language should pop up....

    just because you inherited the charred remains of a club doesn't mean anyone should or want to or have to.......what is it that you seem to think i or any one else would want to ..

    next you'll be telling me how hard the management team are working......:rolleyes: thats got a similar ring to it!
  9. These laws apply to Tesco,as they do to every other Limited company
    As a director of a limited company, the law says you must:
    • try to make the company a success, using your skills, experience and judgment
    • follow the company’s rules
    • make decisions for the benefit of the company
    • tell other shareholders if you might personally benefit from a transaction the company makes
    There is no mention of running a Company for the benefit of it's employees,or it's customers,admirable as these aims might be.
  10. read an artical a while back don't quote me the exact from a large chain about 15% goes back in to the local economy. but if you buy local about 60% goes back in to the local economy.
  11. Aha......but 85% goes to "someone else's local economy", so its all good ;)
  12. suppose that highlights another reason why our economys differ being largely rural. ;)
    oban and argyll fight vigorously to keep the big chains out. no macdonalds or starbucks up here.
    a witherspoons moved in recently, started good but the slim-lining is already evident.
  13. ... or for the benefit of its neighbours, or the locality, or in the national interest.
  14. Yes, that's the Italians for you!

    Andy, sweetheart, it's the way that you keep asking about the club that shows you're interested... otherwise you wouldn't ask, right? Presumably that's because you've not been a member for, what, 5 years now? Maybe more?
    How on earth can you know what's going on if you're not involved? Oh yes, that's right... because you haven't got a clue what you're talking about again, which brings us back nicely to the original post you made in this thread!

    Oops! There you go again! :rolleyes: :Banghead: :upyeah: :Hilarious:
  15. That is so true.
    Sadly,the moment people become remote from a water or food source,(moving into towns or cities for instance),many businesses start up that do not benefit the population directly,(unless you count employment opportunity as a benefit)
    Tesco wouldn't exist if people bought from the farm gate
  16. On the rare occasions where I have to shop in a Co-Op supermarket, why don't I think "Oh this is great, it's so much better and cheaper than Tesco" ?

    BBC News - Co-op Group edges back into profit

    Not that I regularly shop at Tesco - I tend to favour ALDI and LIDL these days, like so many others.
  17. because the coop is bolox.

  18. Me too, I love them.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I can believe that.
    And it is better for it.
  20. let give you an example. if i need an electrician i will phone a local company
    it tesco need an electrician the will have a contract with a Glasgow or Newcastle or where ever large company.
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