1199 Picked Up My 1199 R Today!!

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Tim9, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Hi all,
    picked up the new 1199 R this morning, guess what I've already been on the phone to Ducati breakdown as it's packed in already, the clutch is fried, IMG_0433.JPG why did I do it again.
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  2. Cos you is stoopid Dave ;)
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  3. Whose Dave?
  4. Are you having picked up from The Rock? Not sure where the best garage is near there.
  5. They are picking it up from my house and taking it back to Aylesbury for me. The bike felt great for 48 miles!
  6. See. You don't even know your name is Dave. :)
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  7. And you say I'm stoopid!
  8. Sorry to hear this, hopefully a one off Manufacturing issue! especially as you probably weren't even able to ride it that hard in 48 miles! looks lovely though
  9. That's what you get, buying a Ducati. I was 51 for several years. Are you still there?
  10. Thanks Phill748. I hope so too. Hi pingping no I was 9 Sqn, did my 22 and got out 5 years ago, just before they went to Woodbridge. I was in Ripon from 87 to 92 though. where you there then?
  11. I'm afraid not, I'm a super sprog compared to you. I tipped up just after Herrick 8 in 2008. You would have known Doghead? He was part of the old school 5 Airborne lot. Had a scar on his chest from trying to brand himself with a Pegasus stable belt. He was my first Staffy.
  12. Yes I do remember doghead, didn't know he'd tried to brand himself though, but not surpried!! he was a fullscrew when I was in The Sqn. Do you know a couple of twins both winged up one in 9 the other in 51 Jim Garner and can't remember the other one but they were identical twins.
  13. If it's any consolation, my brand spanking 851 broke down after about 10 miles and had to go back to the garage (blocked radiator).

    A few weeks later, the starter motor stayed on permanently when it was running.
    But after that was fixed, it worked without issue for the next 50'000 kms and 6 years or so, until I sold it to get a 916.
  14. Strange it failed so quickly. Mine did have a problem with the slave cylinder sticking, resolved with an Oberon (I think that's how you spell it) slave cylinder. But at £27k it shouldn't have faults like this. Maybe yours was a bit more extreme?
    Great bike though.
    #14 Niven770, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  15. I've heard the name but I've not been there for a few years. Is his brother called Alf?
  16. Doh ! :Facepalm: Don't worry, it'll soon be fixed. :upyeah:
  17. Soooo heavy handed :Wideyed:
  18. You weren't going up the M40 about 11:30 ?
  19. Who, I was today about 11:00 - in a Renault - did you see me, heading South?
  20. Can Clio's reach that far?
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