Royal Mail-crypto-locker!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dick dastardly, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. I have spent ten hours today with our IT guys all because one of us open an e-mail from royal mail.

    We received a very very convincing e-mail from what appeared to The Royal Mail saying that they missed a parcel delivery yesterday and asking us to log on and see who & what was waiting for us at their sorting office.

    DO NOT DO THIS.....

    Crypto locker is a virus that infect all your files and encrypts them with a code stopping any access. There is a version that is crackable via a portal on the BBC web site but this version is 256 bit encryption, uncrackable.

    So £600 quid to the hacking twats in Russia to unlock 22 years of drawing, spread sheets PDF's etc or reformat 9 PC's and the server. What to do?

    Fuck um. 9 new hard drives ordered and a few days formatting for our IT Geek.

    Be very aware and spread the word to as many people as possible that this beat Mcaffe professional and a strong spam filter to infect our PC's and any mapped drives connected to it. I have reviewed the e-mail and it was almost a perfect copy of the Royal Mail in colour and font etc.

    After contacting the mail they have said that they will never send unsolicited mail for missed deliveries and still only use the card through the door.

    I hate these blackmailing idol cunts infecting society and attacking randomly selected hard working companies and individuals. Please be vigilant and help put a stop to this as soon as possible.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Two local to me companies have been done today with the same scam.
  3. Scamming bastards!

    What would've happened if you opened it on an ipad or other tablet I wonder?

    Not that I intend to test this theory out but someone with more I T knowledge might know, just wondering.
  4. Nothing.
  5. Never open e-mails from unknown sources - sorry if that's stating the obvious...
    I do agree though - these hacking, blackmailing scum should have their bollox removed with a chain-saw.
  6. nothing it was created for Windows. You know 8 market share in business slightly less overall so more potential people clicking Yes.

    We had it last year when no one knew what it was yet, not Symantec not bloody Microsoft who sent it to us ...... Good day that was.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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