Yes I am old school but why do some people find it necessary to use use swear words in their posts. It's not funny, it makes me stop reading straight away. I have worked in factory's all my working life so I am not a saint but it is becoming more and more used when creating posts or replies. I find the c word unaccaceptable and unessacesary. Since 1968 when I met my wife I have never, and it mean never, sworn in her presence and I have never heard her use swear words. Are we unusual?????? I am looking forward to your comments but no swearing please.
At a bit of a tangent, does anyone know why people with Tourettes swear as opposed to sing or shout out any random words ?
I must warn the OP that before I start I have f$%kin touretts bast$%d finger, so I cant f$%kin help myself. Anyway the answer is a deffo sh$gin yes you are f$%kin unusual, possibly verging on bollo%in weird!
Get over yourself. I will swear all I like. I refrain currently just for the hell of it. Banning swearing is just censorship for people with false moralities based upon their own misplaced ideas of what other people should do. If swear words upset you, then I'm afraid its you that has the problem, not the swearee. Sorry but thats how I feel about it.
Fortunately, when this site was set up there was a poll asking who wanted to include the swear words and 80% were in favour. Can't imagine life without 'em.
I don't like the 'C' word and don't use it but I'm not bothered about other words. You say its unnecessary and I agree in principle but sometimes a swear word is the most appropriate and effective word to use.
Im with Richard, I dislike the over use of swearing when it is not needed. I do on occaision swear myself but only when someone really annoys me or I hurt myself or something like that. I also find it puts me off women who swear quite a bit too. Each to their own but that is the way I am. Don't know why Bootsam came up with the banning swearing as the OP didn't even metion that in his first post.
Sorry for the hijacc but can I ask people to stop posting words with the letter "K" in them? It's fuccing disrespectful to me and my people. I thank you. Oh, shet, that's me excommunicated. Bukker, bukker, bukker.
I had an excellent education at a grammar school so you can expect me to use a substantial vocabulary; but essentially, I am a lazy git......... So if I want to swear instead of using aristocratic language with a plum in my gob, I bloody well will.
I like the way the op is 'disliking' any opinion other than his own (I wonder if this will get disliked?) I'm not a fan of swearing for the sake of it but it's hard to deny that a good eff and geoff can be liberating/funny to emphasise a point. You'll not stop people doing it so maybe best let them have their standards and you yours. I'm sure others using profanity won't rub off on you.
i tried giving up swearing when i was 6 but fell off the wagon after a week , never tried since , its only words nobody should take offence to a word if its not directed at them in a aggressive manner , I'm at my worst when playing golf