
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. If its good enough for Brian Blessed, its good enough for me
    • Funny Funny x 4
  3. I disagree, half the barristers I've ever known swear more than the clients they represent when the doors are closed.
    Swearing is no indication of intelligence, or lack of.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Blessed chavs!
  5. My hero, in my new role I shall be growing a beard like that
  6. I'm exactly the same age as Dick, and probably in the same condition.....

    ....but bloody hell, even Martin Bryce swears, so why shouldn't I?
  7. I especially like it when you do :)
  8. Fk you!! ;)
  9. Thank you! :Happy:
  10. My pleasure..........:Kiss:
  11. Funny how things work out - maybe Putin will be nice one day too :Wideyed:
  12. Rewind just 20 years, and swearing was not the norm - in particular the use of the F-word. They were terms of phrase that were used to shock and incite as they still carried weight of moral [dis]value. Today, people have become increasingly anaesthetised to swearing, just as they have become numb to ever declining moral values where 'everything is right and justifiable as long as you don't bother your neighbour'... It reflects the decreasing acceptance of social moral responsibility as an individual value, with many preferring legislation to determine right vs wrong.

    I think frequency of swearing tells a lot about a person. You don't hear many successful leaders of industry swearing... they tend to have a greater consciousness of both their internal and external influence on those around them. Social consciousness and awareness methinks.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Yes it was. At the top and bottom of society. Its only the snobby middle that have been late adopters.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Fuck bollcocks twat cunt arse tits piss
    • Like Like x 1
  15. personaly I think there are worse things written on the internet
    text speak for one
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  16. hold on where is pete 1950 would have thought this was right up his street
    swearing in replies is one thing I think we can blame a lot of that on monty python
    but if aimed at individuals then no not nice
    but individual responses on this forum is what makes this such a great place to be
    but if offended or dislike what you see ..........this is the internet switch off
    and have a pint
    as it has been likened to before this forum is the equivalent to a virtual pub
    if you didn't like the atmosphere or ambiance then well your choice to stay or leave

    but we hope you stay as it makes for a much more fun place

    jesus did I just write that think I have turned into my dad
    always said don't go on the tinternet after having a drink lol
  17. So swearing, or not, is equivalent to a moral issue? Is it actually immoral to swear?

    I think it may tell you a little about a person, the rest would be jumping to conclusions.

    Do you know many successful leaders of industry, socially? Do they speak the same when on TV, in the boardroom, entertaining clients and when they are blowing off steam, out of sight of the public?
    • Like Like x 1
  18. i love it when my posh customers swear especially the woman. there's one that comes in regularly, speaks the queens English, occasionally drops the odd fuck or bastard in to the conversation love it. in fact it makes me horny. mmm dirty posh girls.
    • Like Like x 3
  19. Being a barrister is no indication of intelligence either
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Captains of industry are the worse swearers there are. Boardrooms are places of profanity, aggression and ego.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  21. Ha, sort of agree.
    • Like Like x 1
  22. "........maybe Putin will be nice one day too"

    tebya ne ebut, ti ne podmakhivai

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