The Squaring Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Met a right 13x13=169 yesterday, could easily have punched 'is 4x4=16 teeth out..
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  2. Square root of 15............................................. oh, wrong thread without using decimal points, far too complicated :(
  3. Sums it all up really
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  4. If this thread goes anywhere near like the wooden thread it's all your fault - and if someone says 'do the Math' instead of 'do the Maths' their Wankers! (excuse the French;))
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  5. can you guys not work it out
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  6. Hey I will be squaring up to you in a sum total
    And don't swear!!!!
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  7. There were times in the past when I could have added something just then
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  8. Oh flip, bloody blimey - sorry :(

  9. It's all been taken away :(
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  10. Followed by me, a fraction afterwards
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  11. I hope the scarring has healed ok :)
  12. Don't you 8x8=64 - ing start..

  13. I'm divided

  14. It's left a times table
  15. I failed Arithmetic 'O' Level..............."I'm out"
  16. why do so many think that 2wrongs=a right
  17. It's just numbers
  18. 4 4ks sake not another 1
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