Norfolk Police Release Helmet Cam Footage Of Rtc That Killed The Rider

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. As his mum said it's sad and must be so painful for her to hear his last words, to know he knew that he was in a major situation and committed to the speed he is now traveling at, the opportunity to brake or slow down had been missed and the situation was going to play its way out. Out of respect for her etc I won't say anything to slate the man (not that I would anyway), and the fact I have been a dick on a bike a fair few times in my life and got away with it, all who watch the video know he was going to fast, 100, 70, 40 Jesus who cares it was fast enough that he could not stop, the poor car driver prob did no wrong, they have prob turned accross traffic on that junction a 1000 times, only on that day maybe an assumption was made he was not going that fast, most drivers me included find it hard to judge the speed of a motorcycle that travels straight at you, you assume they are at the speed of the other traffic only to find seconds later they are at twice that.. To me I read the who thing as a simple message, just take a moment to think. I have a young customer only this week who had his bike two days after it left the workshop, then it's back in to be straitened out after his failed to avoid a car at a junction, this video is targeted at riders like him, who seem to think he has some kind of priority as a motorcyclist, he thinks it's their responsibility to look for and avoid him, it will be his demise if he does not wise up, ironically he won't watch the video.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Oh, OK......:Sorry:
  3. The point is he was going the wrong speed. If he had been faster he would of go there before the car turned. Tough look fella, all thoughts to his family really. Tougher for them
  4. the point is it doesn't matter what speed he was doing he needed to demonstrate a reaction to the developing hazard...
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  5. The comments on Mail Online are truly staggering in their ignorance (with a tiny minority making sense). The general conclusion is that he was the only one to blame and how was the driver to at fault for not seeing the biker 50-60 feet in front of him....

    I think a lot of comments are from people who have not seen the video but read and seen a few photos. I hope that if they had, they would be moved to be a little better balanced in their opinions. Rather depressing reflection on the state of the greater public who make judgments on the basis of biased media giving a fraction of the true facts.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Here's another thought - every time someone who has a helmet-cam or a go-pro on their tank ends up binning their bike, another oportunity for the anti-bike campaign will pop up. "Look at this loony going fast - we must ban them all!" (copyright Daily Mail). This film and the one of the BAB going off the edge of the Cat & Fiddle have the same effect on the average mindless tabloid reader...
    If you're going to film yourself riding about then please, for the sake of all of us, don't ride like a prat !
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. well, we have all seen it or know of it. some of you will have been out today, did it affect you? didn't slow me down, i generally ride like a pussy when i am not very familiar with the road.but it was in my thoughts, recognized a few similar junctions,
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  8. you see its this sort of phrase where the fundamentals of the whole topic is all at! You dont need to be familiar with a particular road to recognise a junction when you see it even if you haven't ever been there before....its about the right speed at the right time......
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  9. Maybe he was so familiar with it he stopped seeing it.
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  10. what i mean by that is, and i am sure it's the same down your way also, you don't see many signs for careful might be a tourist standing in the middle taking photos or all the other non signposted hazards, i am my own worst critique when riding and unless i know every twist and bump you guys can carry on i will catch up.
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  11. poor obs.....;-)
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  12. I think a few people in this thread (and the judge ruling on the case) should read up on how our eyes/brains process information in these complex situation where you have to keep an eye on many angles at the same time and process all this vital information in a very limited amount of time(impossible).

    Basically you (both rider and driver in this case) will have several delays in what you see and many many blindspots as you move your focus from point to point.

    Obviously the risks associated with this is increasing exponentially with increasing speed, the people on here touting "the driver should have seen him", have to understand that even the perfect driver doing all the correct checks could have missed him. Specially at that speed.

    You really have to be more careful out there, and display more care and attention. Scary that he didn't even brake, his mind was clearly elsewhere. Only luck he didn't kill anyone but himself.

    RIP :(
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. If it was a T Junction, roundabout Etc. I would agree to a point, but a straight road you can see for a long way up, A class road, you should, and I would except vehicles to come at you, at and above the speed limit.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. MaDProFF, you are in denial. Your posts scare me.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. FFS, in the video 'we' can all see the car from a long way back.....

    .....It seems to me only the rider and MadProFF couldn't.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. MaDProFF seems willing to gamble his life on the assumption that other road users will perform to the highest standards, and blame them after the event when it all goes horribly wrong.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. John V I do not ride like that, and the 1.5 million miles I have driven ridden since 16 I think I do have some experience to Judge. Personally I think the first thing people say is I did not see them, if they did or not.

    My point is simple if the car driver had spent more time looking he would not have pulled out, hence no accident, if the bike was doing 60 he will still have hit the car.
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  18. What? So you thinks some people in these accidents actually saw them coming and thought "Fuck it I will go anyway and let the fucker smash in to me"??
  19. I have seen vehicles pull out knowing that something was coming and risking that they would/could/react to slowdown or stop, I am not saying this was the case in this one though. I just cannot understand why some people seem to think it is all the bikers fault.
    I am sure you must have read about the Insurance scams to cause accidents which could quite easily have gone a lot worse than planned

    My point was though when there has been an accident it is not uncommon for the person most at fault to say with out thinking "I did not see them"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. From what we know the only one who obviously did anything wrong was the biker who was speeding recklessly in a very dangerous area. It could well be the driver did something wrong as well, but there is no such information available to us.
    I realize that, it was a stupid remark of me really
  21. Please explain to me how you could think that the car driver did no wrong. He crossed the road when he should not have done, he clearly failed to look correctly before, and as he crossed.
    When we drive and ride, do people really think they are the only ones that speed, and do silly things, why cant you just Assume that everyone else is speeding and going faster than they should be or you might do.
    We as Bike riders are suppose to assume that everyone out there trying to get us, why cant it be car drivers responsibility to think every bike rider rides different, and possible fast.
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