Arse , bugger , bollox , my local co-op has already been stocking mince pies and I hadn't noticed, now I'm well behind on my mince pie target for this year. Merry Christmas everyone. View attachment 34484
I was in a shop in my local town centre two days ago that had lots of halloween tat and I thought that was bad, xmas mince pies is crazy!
mince pies are quite acceptable 365 days a year, especially when served with cream, ice cream, clotted cream or a mixture of all three.
No they're not. It's much better to eat foods when they are in season and mince pies definitely are not in season. It's like eating strawberries in mid-winter. Foods are so much more enjoyable when you've been deprived of them for most of the year. It's like non-stop hot cross buns: it's just wrong.
our local Tesco already has festive chocolate santa's on the shelf :Banghead: :Banghead: :Banghead: :Banghead: :Bawling: :Bawling:
Hey man chocolate is chocolate. I don't care if it looks like Santa, the Easter Bunny, or a brick. Its all fair game to me
On the 1st of September a few pubs near me had signs up saying things like "Its beginning to look a lot like christmas ." Its not, should I write to the Daily Mail saying I think it is outrageous ?
I love a bit of dark chocolate me, but this one kind of stuck in the back of my throat... :Nailbiting: