Norfolk Police Release Helmet Cam Footage Of Rtc That Killed The Rider

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Next you will be saying it was fate.

    The biker gave up control of his own destiny, he played Russian Roulette and lost.

    The car driver made a simple mistake for which he held his hand up.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. According to the article the Judge seemingly dismissed as an absolute defence the driver's arguments regarding the rider's speed. Death by careless driving carries I think a maximum of 5 years in prison and so the judge must have considered the speed whilst deciding the driver's culpability otherwise the driver would have ended up in clink.

    I find that a shame because regardless of the speed, the driver clearly wasn't paying much attention at all. He saw neither the bike nor the car behind.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. nah sum thieving scumbag stole it....
  4. Good point,the point I guess is that a loving mother lost her son and there cant be anything worse than outliving your children and that she wants to stimulate debate knowing that it will never bring him back.If this is communicated throughout the biking community then ,it might stop the same thing happening to others and if it doesnt,it might make some think.Sod the blame,look at the aweful realility.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. MadProFF - about 20 yards, if memory serves me correctly. She was looking to her right, along a straight road, and slightly uphill - which may have put the bikes headlight at the same level as the car's in her eyeline... It was in a 60 limit, and Barry was on his way home from work, just going along with the flow of the traffic...
  6. JR45 20 Yds dam not very much :(
  7. And later in court cited economic hardship in an attempt to keep his licence.
  8. You wouldn't do the same if that was the case ?
  9. So, in the minds of many on here, 100mph in a 60mph speed limit and approaching a junction isn't an issue.......

    Hell, there are some tits about.....I'm not surprised motorcyclists get a bad name, then.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. Most A roads have junctions. Some you can, some you cant. Some barely safe at 50, others you can do 150.
  11. What I would and wouldn't do is irrelevant. I personally find his mitigation deplorable. He cited the triviality of economic hardship whilst the accident he caused (court's findings not mine) left a man dead.

    Driver doesn't sound very remorseful to me.
  12. If the trouble was taken to look at the signage, it would be seen that the junction is signposted way back along that road.
    Signs aren't just there for directions, they are a warning even if they aren't red bordered.
    Obviously in some cases a brain is needed to to work that out, though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. So even you think that 100mph on a 60 limit is OK?
  14. No body is arguing the signage is there, good roads have decent road furniture and should be taken in. They help to make early decisions
  15. Totally. Even me :)
  16. Then even you fit in the Tit bracket IMO.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Of course, I expected you to say that.....but never mind, I'll come to your funeral.....
  18. Arquebus, If the bike was doing 60MPH and as the car did not see bike or car coming and still pulled out and end result pretty much the same, you would state the same Riders was most at fault, he should have been riding at 40MPH?

    And even at the speed the bike was still doing you still think it was acceptable for the car turning to have 7 seconds and not see them? on a straight road.

    Seriously I think you must slow down at every junction and get off your bike and walk past before jumping back on
  19. If you ride on a road where you expect others to be travelling at the legal limit, then why should you expect someone to be using it at 66% over the legal limit?

    Do you actually realise just how quick 100mph is? I doubt it........(That's from someone who has ridden a bike over 210mph on many occassions............See?...I'm a tit as well).
    #260 Ghost Rider, Sep 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2014
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