From their website, the Mission has a 120 KW motor and a 12 KWh battery. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this means that with a fully charged battery the bike could run at full power for six minutes, then the battery would be flat. This is roughly equivalent to a superbike with a one-litre petrol tank. Still tempted?
Your maths are correct Peter. But no doubt some scavenging during braking can regenerate extending this period slightly. Plus it will take 8hrs to recharge and every recharge will derate the battery from 12kWh down to 0kWh in no time at all and then spend the rest of its life in a landfill. The only sure fire way to save energy is to not use it in the first place. I'm all for new technology but The Laws of Thermodynamics cannot be ignored. We are decades away from electric vehicles becoming viable and not a placebo that just moves generation around by clever accounting.
Trees, coal and oil fuelled the development of the world as we know it today. The world is hungry for energy with demand increasing at the same time as oil is peaking. Get building nuclear, fast.
Internal combustion for me... 'till i'm too old to ride!! Then I will go electric Flux capacitor anyone? going cheap!!!
They might not yet be viable, but I'd love to have a spin on one. No gears and torque everywhere sounds good to me, but on a commuter, not a superbike.
Yeah yeah it's never gonna happen yeah yeah ................Wait a minute how's about an Italian one UK Exclusive! Energica Ego road test | Bike Social
A Toyota salesman was telling me recently that Prius battery packs are proving very reliable. He would say that of course but if they are being regularly changed whilst in for service I think that fact would become public knowledge.
Looks like he's right reading this: Toyota Hybrid Battery Replacement Cost Guide But my runabout diesel Modus does 70 to 80 to the gallon and cost £6500 when a year old so just can't see the point of the Prius. And the Modus is uglier too ;-)
i service a prius for somebody albeit a53plate who proudly tells me it averages nearly 60mls to the gallon, impressive?nope.
At least it's not French! Mine is a constant reminder of how lovely I am, I bought it for the wife, then bought it off her when she moved back to the Czech Republic
I wasn't actually considering buying one. Heaven forbid. My pet name for the Prius is the Toyota Smug.