Norfolk Police Release Helmet Cam Footage Of Rtc That Killed The Rider

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I do not think it is ok for him to be driving at 100 MPH, I have never said that, for me it is not about the bike, it is the blame that if the car had looked, not pulled across the junction at all, there would not have been an accident in the first place, so his speed becomes irrevelent.
  2. I am actually starting to think that half the people who seem to comment have not looked at the video at all, and just blame his speed. just look at his position on the road to before the car turned across his side of the white line. I might add it is surprising how much distance the car travels across the road compared to the bike traveling at the so called 100 MPH you seem to associate, actually more like real speed of 90 MPH, though yes too fast.
  3. speed becomes irrelevant - in relationship to an accident?? i'm starting to worry about you as a rider now Mad Proff
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The rider failed to anticipate and read the road. This is what hurts most riders. Anticipation. Speeding past junctions, especially ones where cars can queue to cross over the lane. To miss the blindingly obvious whilst riding above the speed limit killed him. Inexperience killed him. Combined with speed.

    I speed.

    I watched the video.
  5. The guy had loads of experience riding since a kid wasn't he? What killed him was the car driver doing something illegal, hence guilty in court. What put him there was not having the skills (or ignoring them in a moment or madness) to recognise the danger.

    I suspect if he was travelling at 60 he would have had an accident, but who knows..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. If he was experienced he is even more to blame for ignoring the bleeding obvious. My arse wouldve been twitching at the sight of that car waiting to pull across from way back and I'd have slowed. All my broken bits residual memories wouldve been screaming at me.
  7. Chris I was referring to this accident. not every accident that ever happens.
    bootsam you are right BUT it was the not the bikes fault that the car pulled across because he did not look.
    Bradders I had read that too, I just guess the rider thought it would never happen to him :(
  8. Also, the main junction sign is approx 500 metres back from the 100mph the rider would have covered that distance in approx 3 seconds.....

    ......with that in mind, work out how many seconds it takes to turn right on a busy road in your car and how many of those seconds are used looking elsewhere instead of straight ahead.......

    If the rider was as experienced as is supposed and had seen the car about to maneouvre, why didn't he roll the throttle off and cover the brake?

    I don't know about others, but in this area riders have to be constantly aware of drivers turning across their paths whether at 30mph or above, therefore the brakes and throttle are used accordingly.
  9. Arquebus think you need to do your sums again, 500 metres 3 secs = 1500 at 9 secs, so a 9 sec mile, makes your 210MPh pretty slow in comparison, no mathematician but I make 500m in 3 secs about 400 MPH
  10. In my experience car drivers do see bikes but discount them.
    My own brother has said 'it's only a bike' after making a stupid move.
    It seems it's the default position with some folks that Bikes (both motor and pedal) should keep out of the way.
    This comes across as 'I didn't see him'. What they mean is I saw him and ignored him without even registering it.

    In this case I say 50/50 blame.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. Proff...I dont think l anyone disputes the driver was wrong to cross the path of an oncoming vehicle and this created the incident. If they do, they are an ass. The dispute is a) what impact the speed had on the judgement to cross at that time, ie if a car and bike turn a corner at the same time they must be assumed as travelling the same speed so making it easier to misjudge the oncoming speed 'I can make that' mentality and 2) how much the rider appeared to disregard all the danger signs, both physical road furniture and notional car approaching a left hand turn (biker view) from the opp direction: what will he do? Do i need to slow? Do I need to change road position?

    Either way, the fella is dead and at least one person on here has said they will adjust their riding because of what they have seen.
  12. Its actually 372.8mph but then its the gist that arquey was trying to convey. 100mph is approx 50m/s. Therefore he had 10seconds to see the danger and still he failed to spot it. I too suspect even at 60mph he would have failed to spot it. Because he was riding without due care and attention.
  13. Equally, 10 secs and the driver would equally have turned and killed him anyway then
  14. Yep, probably. The car driver was dangerous and reckless driving. The rider careless driving.

    Remember, they are all out to kill you. They all lie with their indicators. Everyone else on the road is an idiot. Believe nothing.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. End of thread I think boots :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. Yes but while people keep appropriationing more blame to the bike rider than they sometimes deserve, and make speed the fault of EVERY accident, just makes it easier for people to continually think it is only a minor fault to say I did not see or do not need to look correctly, everyone should be driving slower.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. It seems that many, especially who report and investigate them, also start with bikers fault as a key premiss, and even if its not it is, they should have anticipated and been ready. Allegedly
  18. Thanks for the correction.........keyboard dislexia today.......actually it should have been approx 11 seconds, because the distance is 523 metres......(I said I failed Maths O Level didn't I? ;))
  19. Best if MaDProFF and Bradders sort it out on track.......I won' damn old for that now, besides it hurts too much.
  20. Prefer road riding too much to give it up. And as everyone knows, i'm slow all round so we'll leave it to the Proff
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