Electric Bikes And Cars.............

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. yip.
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  2. We had a salesman get one who mainly did motorway miles - he got 45mpg, prick :Happy:
  3. only way to move away from the oil etc is the new "LCPE system",otherwise known as the large catapult and parachute "engine".
    definately the "future",in fact ive asked down the dole office if theyll train me as a catapult operator,will be a very entertaining and rewarding job i think.
  4. I have this brilliant wheeze for saving the planet. I just keep the same car going, thus saving all the energy and carbon emissions that would be required by making a new one.

    The Alfa only returns about 32 mpg but I can't help feeling that producing all that metal and paint, leather and plastic would require a humungous amount of energy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. My car does 30mpg. But I hardly use it. We do about 3-4k miles per year. I walk.
  6. a lot of the carbon foot print must be in manufacture and maintenance. a life time of battery's alone for a duc probably wont weigh as much as one car batter
    30-35 to the gallon :Wtf: the wife's vitara does more than that on the school run and she's a woman?
    my 2.4alfa was doing 50 my 155bravo and 155maria do 40 easy no matter how you drive them. my panda does over 70 with over150k on the clock.
    i can get 50-60 from the fugly less on the 848, bikes are really inefficient when it comes to fuel
  7. If I were commuting into town and back, 10 miles type stuff, if they made a noise like a bike and were cheap I'd have an electric scoot

    So some way off on all counts
  8. Petrol has energy costs too - it doesn't come out of the ground like that - refining and transport cost money and energy.
    Also consider pollution - making power in big power-stations is much easier to fit pollution controls to, and it's not just overall pollution to consider, but local pollution hotspots (eg cities). Add in the growth of solar and improving battery technology, and it could be going places. Albeit that I did laugh at seeing McGuinnes' bike on the TT-zero line with tyre-warmers driven by a petrol generator.

    The fact that McGuiness is riding shows how far this is going.

    One thing I have seen is the suggestion of using for motocross - take away the noise and you could have city-centre MX practice tracks.
  9. tbh there can never be any footprint savings now,theyve already stocked up on enough carbon wastage to last a million years..
    Hundreds of Thousands of Brand New Unsold Cars Parked Worldwide to Rot in Car Graveyards, page 1
  10. I thought Peugeot has come up with a good idea.......The compressed air 'engine' which uses braking and energy inertia to pressurise two tanks in the car.
  11. do you know much about the sterling engine. clever stuff.
  12. Actually I only guessed at 30mpg (ish) it might be more. But its not a deisel or an wee 1.1. Its a 2.0litre turbo. We dont do high mileage so a reasonable sized engine suits us fine.
  13. Yes. I am related to the inventor Robert Sterling according to my gran on my Dads side.
  14. panda is a 1.3 mega power.;)
    the fiats where 2ltr5cyl 20v.
    alfa 2.4 jtd
    infact i forgot about my stillo 2.4 20v that did more than 30mpg
    i guess you guys do city driving i will drive the 30mls to work not meet any traffic till i am in oban.
  15. cool, as an engineer what do you think, i believe the yanks have picked up on it for solar energy
  16. Its about 300 years ahead of its time. A device that converts heat into motion directly like this in an adiabatic fashion should have been fully researched decades and decades ago. I remember learning about in in Thermodynamics and wondering why theyre not so prevalent. Becoming more so now, especially in Micro CHP engines from the likes of Dax etc.
  17. i don't know why i am thinking this but i remember talking ta mates dad who told me about it, the hole family are boffins from from medical musical and electrical disciplines, i am sure he said he was related to yer man. any Fraser in you. west coasters.
  18. Yep, Ive got Fraser in me. My Gran on my mums sides maiden name was Fraser from the west coast.
  19. HA,HA excellent heres hoping you don't look like them, for your sake, magic first giggle for couple of days.:upyeah:
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