I think Matt that carefull cross breed selection has extended the mince pies natural season, although I'm not in favour of intensive pie farming practices. Tsk tsk.
Those aren't real mince pies!!! Real mince pies have stewed mince meat and tomato sauce in them, You can't beat a Jimmy's Mince Pie, none of the fruity rubbish for me. I'm glad you enjoy my avatar, it's there to please
One of you is Scottish, the other a Kiwi. What exactly would either of you know about food? It's all deep-fried Mars bars for one of you and probably stewed kakapo for the other. A mince pie has mincemeat in it - and that's not meaty.
The best mince pies ever, Jimmy's Mince Pies, made in Roxburgh, Central Otago, NZ. FACT, no disputing it !!! I almost forgot, always with Watties Tomato Sauce. (World Famous in New Zealand)