Polite Hi-viz

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Moses, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. The drivers awareness course is much more beneficial that just chucking loads of points on the licence. The Taxi driver who nearly killed me in 2010 got sent on a similar course. The police actually asked me how I wanted them to pursue the driver and I said the course. Personally I still feel that drivers involved in these sort of accidents would benefit from the course and several points on the licence.
    SMIDSY is no defence at all. As soon as they say that, then IMO that's driving without due care and attention. But that's just my opinion
  2. Can you get them marked "RUDE"...;)
  3. Have to say, it seems every day now down this way there is a report in the local paper about another bikr being knocked off etc. Not sure if its increasing or just being reported more.

    I have never worn Hi-viz but it cant hurt. This one looks a bit less police and flappy and doesnt have polite on it either!

    Product review: Oxford Bright Top Active - Motorbike Clothing Reviews | MCN

    Might have to invest a few pennies for a little more peace of mind....
  4. Yep, its a tight fit elastic one. So Zero flapping...assuming to do it up :)
  5. Ooooh you Tiger ;)
  6. Riders have always fallen off or been knocked off motorbikes. If there was no serious injury or death, no-one would ever know about it. But in the modern world, every incident rapidly gets photos taken on phones, somebody telephones the police and ambulance, and it all gets recorded and reported. That's the difference.
  7. I started wearing a hi viz lid this year....Oddly I remained very much heterosexual!
    Don't think I'd ride without one now.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I think wearing hi-viz vests is extremely poor, as it is an offence to style and style is important.
    A hi-viz vest with POLITE written on it? My God, it's worse than "Baby on Board". In fact, it would be more appropriate if it did read "Baby on Board". What has happened to the rockers? They have turned into cautious, hi-viz wearing namby- pambies. Should they be on a bike at all?

    You think style isn't important? Oh yeah? Then why have a Ducati in the first place, let alone one you have festooned with carbon and clean in an OCD fashion? Just get a Nipponese hack and have done with it.

    Do the Italian fuzz wander around in hi-vis vests? Of course they don't, because they have some sense of style.
    It's an entire life choice. Life isn't about efficiency, it's about style. We're all going to die, so do you want your life lived efficiently, or stylishly?
    I rest my case.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Baby on board. Love it. Going to get that made up and put on my jacket in neon made from LEDs
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I suspected it when we were in Germany.
  11. If you hadnt ridden like an old lady you'd have got close enough to spot it
  12. Corrected for you
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. The happy couple!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Haha brilliant.....

    I think maybe it is just reported more. I guess it just makes you think a bit more though. I took the bike out for a little 30 miler today but most of the time I think I was too tense as I really didnt enjoy it as much as I should. Maybe the next bike will have to be a non-sportsbike for a change, maybe a Multi (new type) or Diavel. Maybe my (small amount) of riding skill has diminished and doesnt suit a sportsbike anymore..... :(
  15. Have you tried a Diavel? Am tempted to give one a go, just think my riding style wont suit as it will lack ground clearance

    Then I can wear double denim and patches
  16. And buy my number plate too :Happy:
  17. No I havent as yet, but think I will have to at some point.

    I know a few who have ridden them and the feedback has always been 'sportsbike handling, laid back position, but you cant see the front wheel'.

    Definitely on my to do list. Have ridden a Hyper which was fun, and had the old style Multi and also rode the new stle one. I think maybe I will step towards a non-sportsbike next time but who knows, maybe its my hormones talking as it that time of the month... ;-)

    (Just kidding and no offence to anyone with that last comment)
  18. If I had the money, I'd happily add a Diavel to my collection. Awesome machine
  19. And buy my number plate :Wideyed:
  20. May be popping over to Snells this morning with a friend so may have a little look around - not that I will be changing until next year at the earliest....
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