Where Did The Forum Go Again...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. And the incontinence pads :)
  2. :(:smile:
  3. Everyone likes bed baths! :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. David :)
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Finmunum I think Bernie called you...
  6. we all know who and what HE is. ;):smile:
  7. Tinterweb at work has gone down. Going to have to do some work to pass the time now. Bloody talktalk.
  8. ET?
  9. How did you send the message
  10. mild mannered janitor?
  11. iPhone 3G connection.
  12. Exactly, so you didn't have to do any work, you could have played on here all day :Happy:
  13. Not this one.. But wasn't there a test rides thread? Or have I finally cracked?
  14. I've just been looking - pissing down all the way to that there south where I'm going for the weekend :(
  15. Scots have voted out their weather for a day, so they have sunshine for voting. They vote on anything these days......

    Sunshine on Leith, if you will.....
  16. and we're back. Sorry for the disruption caused this morning. Let normal service resume
  17. I blame the Scottish. They're always kicking off.
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