the wife and kids are of to glasgow tonight to get the daughters first hair cut she is six, last year she spotted a program about kids with cancer needing wigs so she decided she wanted to grow it longer now down at her arse so she could donate it, she has also raised over 3oobaa for a kids with cancer charity, a salon in glasgow picked up on it and want her in for a new store opening promo. not bad eh!
I had a fairly uneventful day apart from when I jumped in my car to come home and the friggin' thing wouldn't start. I've left it at the office for the weekend hoping that the local garage can sort it on Monday morning as I have to be in Nottingham on Monday afternoon and Aldershot on Tuesday. I'm now contemplating whether to ride to Oliver's mount, Scarborough on Sunday to watch the Gold Cup. Is anyone else going from here?
I havent had a KFC for decades but if there was one around here, I could be sorely tempted. Yes, it's evil, but yes it has a superb taste. I wouldn't be feeling guilty if I had one every 10 years or so.
On a serious note, I am concerned with global warming and the effect it will have on our future, especially after reading an article about low water levels in reservoirs. Well, I drive past my local reservoir on the Yorkshire moors every day, and each morning I empty a bucket of water from my tap into it while on my way to work. If all of us did the same, these reservoirs would be full in no time.
Not following the rules here but taking the multi in on Monday for oil service and getting the diavel to play with. That'll be fun me thinks!
going to skip work early, sun is shining so of down to kilmalcolm on the mates coming up from aylsbury. gonna be a sore head Sunday.:Cigar:ead::smile:
Car back to kwickfit as new tyre gone down, quick removal and the alloy is cracked on the inner rim. Wtf?! Funny they never noticed it friday. Which delayed my ride, meaning I only had a couple of hours so rode out to salisbury the looped back via luggershal and andover and home. Need new rear now...5700 happy with that
Since you normally eat high quality fresh fare, why would you be tempted by fast food crap? Or is it nostalgie de la boue?
I decorated the kitchen today. The wife said "You wallpaper like you make love" "Professional eh ?" "No, it's just that I have to finish it myself"