Festive Disaster

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rhubarb and custard, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Sod Mince Pies and Christmas, I want Pancakes with golden syrup..
  2. They're a bit easier to make than a mince pie.
    You should be able to whistle some up this evening.
  3. Today I will mostly be making dried apricot & orange mincemeat (with Cointreau). Stored for at least a month then used to make mincemeat pudding :upyeah:
  4. how will that go with the brown sauce?
  5. Recipe please!
  6. 8oz dried apricots
    Zest 2 oranges & 1 lime
    8oz sultanas
    4oz raisins chopped
    3oz mixed peel
    4oz flaked almonds
    4oz soft dark sugar
    8oz grated carrot
    5oz shredded suet
    Seeds from 6 cardamom pods
    1.5 tsp cinnamon
    0.5 tsp nutmeg
    4 tbs Cointreau
    5 fl oz whiskey

    Mix in non metallic bowl cover put in cool place for at least 8 hours stiring occasionally

    Pack into sterilised jars firmly - make sure all air out

    Seal store cool dark place at least one month

    To use in a pudding
    3oz unsalted butter
    2.5oz soft dark sugar
    2 eggs beaten
    4oz sr flour
    8oz of the mincemeat

    Beat butter sugar then beat in eggs fold flour fold mincemeat
    Bake at 160 10 mins
    Bake at 150 40 mins

    Serve hot with cream or custard :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. you missed sum out.
    spirit vinegar
    commonly known as H.P.
  8. I would rather eat my own foot.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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