Didnt make it to Snells today though as friend had some issues getting his front tyre done - the place suddenly told him they did not have a front paddock stand to fit the 1199!
He has made the mistake of using a garage that does work on his car and although they do bikes, generally its older stuff....
I was being followed yesterday along the Edgeware Road by a guy on a big Police style BMW with a Polite hi Viz, loads of fluro stickers all over the bike and an led notice board at the back that read 'Polite Notice Thinkk (sic) Bike'. A fan of Chips in his youth maybe?
Saw a bloke wearing an airbag hi-viz at Whiteways yesterday. IAM stickers everywhere. Which begs the question, if he's an 'advanced' motorbicyclist, why does he feel the need to wear a hi-viz in the first place? I think you just have to be a certain type of person. I'm clearly not that type of person.
I must be. The local bunch of assimilated IAM groupies offered their opinion of my riding a few years back, so I pulled up a pint and had a chat with them. Turns out every one of them had had more crashes in fewer miles/years than me...
Round here Horse Riders wear the same kind of vest, makes them look like a Police Mounted Officer. Cleveland Police don't have a mounted section anymore so they are double dicks.