His And Hers Matching Chinese Bikes...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ian, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. My other half and I are taking our matching Huoniao's for a MOT on Tuesday. Wish us luck...

    • Like Like x 1
  2. Good luck with that! :Wideyed:
  3. They don't appear to match?
  4. On paper at least they're the same apart from the L plates (on Colin). The other (Colinna) is identical (allegedly) but a previous owner destickered him.
    No big bore kits, oversize carb, cone airfilter or gearing mod's have been made to Colinna to allow him to keep up with a standard Colin but with a much lighter and smaller rider.
  5. But for reference - save money on carbon fibre and loud exhausts. Lay off the pasties, join a gym. It's a massive advantage!
    (Note that no testing was done on the Welshpool to Oswestry road!)
  6. thought all Chinese bikes looked alike
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Have they both broken down at the same time?
    Spose they match now.... :Facepalm:
  8. Is this a piss take?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Is that the S models with Ohlins and brembos?
  10. take it these are chinese clones of yam sr's ?.
  11. in China, these are highly valued people carriers....

  12. If there is a problem it will probably be play in the swing arm pivot. This is easily cured by shimming the swing arm with a washer - seems to be a regular problem. If there is any play it should be obvious as the bike will weave all over the road. It's cured for pennies, everything else on Chinese 125's is actually very serviceable and reliable if looked after properly, contrary to popular opinion
  13. nice lookin bikes...... lol... sorry
  14. Similar colour scheme to yours ;)
  15. dont make me open a can of woop arse xige...
  16. Didn't mean to hit a raw nerve there :Wideyed: maybe... ;)
  17. my scoot is pretty as fuck and you know it!!!!! :Cigar:
  18. Can't tell - pictures sooooooo blurry :rolleyes: it's looks like my fence :Wideyed:
  19. well when i do ya fence (in exchange for the prilla) perhaps i can do the other side and you can buy me a good camera!!! then you'll know... P R E T T Y A S F U C K!!!!!!
  20. I'm sure your camera is fine, just shack less when taking the pictures - try a bit of alcohol first to calm the nerves ;)
    It would be good to see a proper picture - post one up :Happy:
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