There's Sick And Then There's...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Disabled and sick/ill ( high dependency needs) children 4x more likely (at least) to be abused than non disabled. So ideal targets sadly for anyone with the cognitive distortions to target them.
    Notice he said sorry, what sorry you were caught? or sorry you did it?
    Little real remorse, hopefully other earlier victims will now have the courage to speak up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Sick bastard.
  3. C*nt.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Those people who can't tell the difference between a paediatrician and a paedophile will be claiming vindication.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  5. What a grim story :(
  6. It has been occurring to me that child abuse seems to be so prevalent, that you begin to wonder if it isn't "normal" (that is to say "common") behaviour. I know that that statement could sound very shocking (and carries no moral weight).
    But consider this:
    For all the cases you hear about and which come to light, there must be vastly, vastly more which never do, which implies that child abuse is going on on a truly massive scale.
    Some day it is going to appear that it is no less prevalent than homosexuality (although once again, I stress that I make no moral equivalence between the two).
    Is anyone else amazed at the amount of instances that have come to light in the past couple of years or so?

    I mean if Rolf Harris is at it - what chance a healthy society?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. wounder who much the press know, but have been waiting to use it for there own purposes. or is that paranoia?
  8. The statistics are truly horrifying. Over 90% of abuse occurs inter familial yet we get reported the stranger danger cases and the govt concentrates on stranger danger.
    By inter familial we don't only include close family members but those that are by necessity in the greater family eg step family cousins close family friends.
    The reasons are that there are no stereotypical offenders however they share 2 things in common.
    1 they have a sexual interest in children, and by that reason no;2 is they do not want to get caught.
    Consequently they have to create a safe environment in which to offend. They groom the protective factors around children to allow access then they groom the victims.
    The reason we know more about the figures is that children feel more empowered to talk seek help etc not that there is a greater prevelance of sexual abuse occurring.
    The press will report on the 'news worthy ' rather than the every day.
  9. Don't you think that newspaper proprietors, editors, journalists, and columnists, along with broadcasters, include as large a proportion of abusers as the rest of the population? Or maybe a much larger proportion, going by the way they behave on other issues?
  10. Not an easy question.
    Firstly, you need to know what percentage of abusers are clinically psychopaths. I would then expect to see a similar percentage of abusers amongst newspaper proprietors, etc.
  11. I don't believe they are any more represented than any other section of society. People with a sexual interest in children cross all social stereotypes, are represented within all race's, creeds, religious denominations, etc;
    Sadly they don't draw attention to themselves as that leaves them vulnerable to being caught.
  12. interesting take, never thought of that.. sure there not all at it.
  13. if you watch enough of theses programs, white middle class seem to be more prevalent.
  14. Why clinical psychopaths?
    There is no correlation between being a clinical psychopath and either having a sexual interest in kids or working in the media.
  15. I wasn't suggesting there was a link between psychopathy and paedophilia, I was asking.

    I remain convinced however that there is a link between psychopathy and people working in the media- incidentally, with the degree of one directly correlating to the position in the hierarchy of the other.
  16. Wander over to the Dark Web. There are some truly awful things there. Like an accident rubber necker i had a look. Never again. From death stuff to peado stuff. Its truly a disturbing world we live in. I wonder how they justify permitting some of this stuff to exist there. I am fairly unshockable but I tell you, i was absolutely horrified. Theres one particular image I cant get out of my head and I closed it in milliseconds. Its fucking awful. I was kind of in favour of the dark web until i investigated it. Now I am not so sure. Sure theres some great stuff about privacy, security and censorship but for my mind losing these in order to combat what I saw is a fair price to pay.

    Dont open pandoras box. You can never close it again.
  17. spoke to my aylsbury mate about it. he say don't.
  18. Your mate is correct. I shall not return. It was a snuff thing I saw. OMG!!

    The trouble with it is the web addresses are gobbledigook so you never know where you are going
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. get your computer drill holes through the hard drive and burn it.
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