500 quid seems a lot of money for rear sets. Besides, how much further back do the pegs move? I read somewhere about 70mm. Is that right? Anybody tried the cheap ones from China and Hong Kong? Even if you have to swap out a few bolts etc, maybe it's worth a punt? Someone on here has just got a good fairing from over there? I've also seem some for around £300 from the States, still seems a lot for what they are. At the same time I'm going to enquire about getting some machined over here, through a friend of mine who runs an engineering company. Personally I'd like a really cleanly designed set, they don't have to be multi adjustable. I've never had a problem with gear or brake lever lengths, as long as I can set them to the correct angle to suit my feet. Basically similar to the standard design, just set a bit further back, machined out of alloy so it looks better. Would anybody else be interested in that? Any thoughts or requirements? Could be interesting.
I've been looking at these, http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=351165790992 And these, http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=191204955400 As there a fraction of the cost of others. Just not quite taken the plunge!
I had an expensive lesson , bought ducati corse ones rode 200 mile took m straight off kept missing rear brake felt wrong for me . Adjustable rear sets that don't adjust .
I had some of these. They are a good buy, good quality, improve foot grip and give a good amount of adjustability, But a 6ft4 they weren't enough For me, I needed to get both the pegs and gear/brake lever down lower so had to go for full rearsets.
Did you try 25 or 40mm? I'm 6ft size ten and the current setup means moving around a bit to get the right riding position, especially for the rear brake.
25mm. The main problem was the brake pedal being too high in relation to the peg. You can adjust the height of the pedal slightly and lower it but inorder to get my foot on the brake the pegs had to be lifted which gave an even more cramped riding position.
Well... looks like this is a point of interest for a few people. Good for you guys. What's the general consensus of opinion for requirements for rear sets?
I only ever use rear sets on race bikes , for clearance and crash ability, for road my 1199 feels perfect for me ,
check this out. There are cheaper ones but the principle is the same. personally I'd prefer something cleaner and simpler but this is a starting point and they may well work. Rearsets Foot Pegs Footrest 2012 13 2014 Ducati Panigale 1199 R S 899 Rear Sets | eBay
fair enough Jimmy and you might well be right. how far back do they go and is it worth the bother at near on £100 per inch?
I agree and disagree. The ones from china for a £100 look like they're made from meccano and probably won't last two minutes and then at the other end of the scale are the DP rear sets at £800 ish which are a blatant rip off. It's difficult to assess build quality from just a picture. I have the GiaMoto (Austin Racing) rearsets which were about £400 and love them, excellent build quality and silky smooth movement . Glad I spent the extra and didn't chance the £100 Chinese ones.