Story Of The Day For Me Today....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. The Mall, BWM bike behind me, Lights The Mall/Constitution Hill we head to head as red :)

    Past those lights in to Constitution Hill still head to head, past 2nd set of lights on Constitution Hill I am ahead he is gaining, just before final set of lights at Constitution Hill we spot Blue lights ........ Fun is over, major bolocking, Karma points spent all in one go for 6 in 3.
    Loads of sorry and off we go home Phew..
    • Like Like x 1
  2. I hope you've learnt your lesson!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. It's bikers like you that get the rest of us a bad name :(
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Possibly, sadly shit happens when you having fun.
  5. We've all been there!
  6. I've never been to constitution hill !
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  7. Blimey Lucas you must have cracked at least 48mph on that monster of yours then??
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Well it is only half of a bike you have :)
  9. Nor have I on a bike :(
  10. The only person who wins a dice in London is the one who cares least about his licence. It's the only possible criterion of differentiation in a city.
  11. Not too many police or CCTV to be found around there Luca!!!
  12. As said shit happen when one has fun and you forget. CCTV could not catch a criminal even if he was right next to camera steeling it.
  13. CCTV wasn't designed to catch criminals. It was designed to catch motorists.
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  14. So not quite sure what you have told us,but where you done for 60mph in a 30 zone?
  15. Not that bad but close enough. Will not ever post actual numbers here as some people almost die crucifieing others for stuff all do.

    Glidd that is OK in current times motorists are criminals so we safe ;)
  16. The area is,covered with ANPR units,CCTV also doing ANPR,have fun somewhere else.
  17. It was an accident, normally bit more careful. No idea of proper anpr spec for cameras (ie what resolution and such) but normal CCTV will not work with it due to low resolution. That is why different cameras were installed for congestion charge and each camera was zoomed in at one lane. New full HD CCTV cameras will be a bit more of challenge when they become popular.
  18. Funny thing is it was not planned, it just happened. Funny how easy one gets pulled in...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Interesting. I hadn't thought of that. I hadn't really given any consideration to the fact that in the very near future surveillance cameras are going to be like GoPros - so tiny you can't see them, full HD, colour and concealed. They will also be very cheap so everyone will have them. You will be constantly monitored, you know not by whom or what for.

    So far the British population has just rolled over about this, making the UK the most CCTV controlled nation on earth. Well, it's about to get a lot worse, obviously. 1984 here we finally are.

    Here's another question: is it legal for GoPro enthusiasts to film you in an identifiable way (say showing your reg plate) and then publish that film (on, say, YouTube)?
    Do we really have any right to privacy and anonymity left?
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