There's Sick And Then There's...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Loz this may be of interest a former Sunday telegraph deputy editor jailed today for rape.
  2. Cynicism and conspiracy theory instincts are vying for the upper hand here - a trumped-up punishment for exposing politicians for the filthy lying cheats they are?

    Nah, I'll stick with my original theory - newspaper reporters and editors, the ones that rise to the top of their field, are either psychopaths, or narcissists. Or both. Is that possible?
  3. I can't see where you are getting your evidence from.
    Newspapers and the media are just businesses. There is no reason to suppose that they contain a higher proportion of psychopaths than any other business. What's so special about media hierarchies?
  4. I wouldn't know how to access the Dark Web even if I wanted to, although no doubt if I Googled it (slightly ironic this) I could work it out. But not having any great interest in drug-dealing, arms sales and sexual perversions I can't really see the point. So I won't. There's enough grim stuff going on on the normal web if you go looking for it, but I try to keep beheading movies out of my life.
  5. Well Ive had my fright and thats enough for me. I don't even like horror movies. Wont watch em. Especially if theres werewolves. Fuck that.
  6. Did you ever read the News of the World? Sun? Mail? Express? The distortions, the made up stories, the suppressions, the monstering & harassing of innocent people, the promotion of the proprietor's self interests, the continual outright lies. Just how much evidence do you need?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Never liked horror movies and after an ex girlfriends best mate was brutally butchered a few years back i detest them. You can tell me all you want that this shit doesn't desensitize and make light of truly horrific acts but i think it does.. People that say "i love a good slasher movie" fuck me off.. Why would you derive any pleasure from watching this shit (all be it fictitious) Would any one watch a movie depicting kiddy fiddling and say " i love a good peado film"? I think not
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. By it's very nature, the media is public so you get to see the unpleasant face of the hierarchy. I'd be prepared to bet that the banks contain just as many if not more psychopaths than the media - but you don't really get to see what they are up to on a day-to-day basis. Certainly the books I have read about the banking industry seem to support my thesis.
    And then there are all the other businesses. How are they run? Do you think they are democratic institutions (hah!)? How do you get to the top in any organisation? It's a pointy pyramid. A dozen or so people at the top, thousands below. You get to the top by treading on toes, being ruthless, making alliances that suit you and pushing people under buses. There's nothing that special about the media.

    Come to think of it, based on your previous posts about the police, you might think that the Force contains quite a lot of psychopaths.
    If you are interested in this area, Jon Ronson's book The Psychopath Test is very amusing and possibly educational.
  9. You can be a nice psychopath. Its not all evil. Like those people that have that drive to do something special. I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in either the banking industry or the media are evil psychopaths. Alan Partridge is a psychopath and he's not evil.
  10. Evil is not really a useful term. But when you discover what makes you a psychopath, they aren't really people you'd want to spend any time with: narcissistic, manipulative, lying, cheating, unempathetic. They might be charming, but that's purely superficial and just to fool you. They may have drive, but that doesn't mean that everyone with drive is a psychopath.
  11. The good psychopaths guide to success is v enlightening.
    However whilst you may have these tendencies, to score highly in a psychopathy test you do tend to need to be strangely enough a psychopath.
    Most peadophiles are not psychopaths, narcissists yep, but true psychos not in my experience .
    Having met only 2 true psychos they are incredible in their thinking and v unnerving.
  12. I read somewhere years ago that 1% of the worlds population are psychopaths (hence the 1%er tattoos on some gangsters?) But as boots says not all are evil and the heroes that put their life before others with truly no regard for their own safety fit this catorgary... Nice thought
  13. I read somewhere years ago that 1% of the worlds population are psychopaths (hence the 1%er tattoos on some gangsters?) But as boots says not all are evil and the heroes that put their life before others with truly no regard for their own safety fit this category... Nice thought
  14. You can say that again!!!

    Oh, you have. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I'd suggest that power and influence corrupt. People believe the news (if you can call what they produce news), and they have the power to write it
  16. There is a good deal of truth in this, no doubt.

    On the other hand there are people whose careers progress because they are clever, competent, hard-working, diligent, dedicated, and lucky - and thereby become popular. Telling the truth, helping people out, and keeping your promises also have something to do with it. There are plenty of nasty shits in every walk of life, but there are also plenty of decent types.

    In the Civil Service, it used to be said that a good boss is one who never stabs you in the back unless he needs to. A bad boss is one who doesn't even notice that he's stabbing you in the back.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. talking to a customer of mine a month back whose kid has been diagnose a mild form of autism, she has been doing research on the subject and has found it to be more prevalent in people that have carriers that require a lot of focus and only deal in facts. like her husbands job for example, he is a scientist for some marine biology organization, (she is also) i only ever deal with her as her husband is usually hanging about the arctic circle somewhere, i only ever had one dealing with him, he wound me up that much i commented on his lack of social skills to her, she conceded after doing the research she suspected lot of people around her where sufferers. so my point being all to often it takes a particular mind set to achieve success in a particular chosen career.
  18. You can if she's over 16
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